Monday, December 19, 2016

Need a Holiday Break? Why We All Require Time Off!

Created by Kimberly Kline, API
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” ….. so starts out one of our favorite holiday songs and, for us, this couldn’t be more true!

At API, we are crazy about the holidays. From a week or two before Thanksgiving right on through the passing of the New Year, we are hooked ~ although some might argue that our holiday excitement starts more like right after Halloween!

We love immersing ourselves in everything holiday ~ all the decorating, baking, shopping, and wrapping that comes with the season. We also love getting together with family and friends whenever possible. But our absolute favorite time is when we can sit with a hot cup of tea or a glass of wine, enjoy the tree lights, and watch a holiday movie ~ even the sappy ones.  

It truly is our happy time.

But then, “work” interferes and we are pulled out of our holiday reverie to attend to our small business. And while we are truly thankful and grateful for that small business, we need a break.

And there is no better time for us to take that break than during the week between Christmas and New Years!

How You can Take a Holiday Break from your Small Biz!  “Tweet This”

But getting this time off doesn’t come easy!

We work like fiends to clear off our desk of any outstanding work, invoice what we can, and shut the books. We even write and pre-schedule a few blog articles and other social media posts all in the quest of being able to take a true holiday.

Of course when you have your own business, it may not always work out that way, but we definitely try!

We find that we truly need that time to relax. 

Gearing up for the holidays is a hectic, albeit, joyous time. We often find ourselves on overload. And despite really needing a good night’s sleep, our brains are going a mile a minute with all the things we need to do for our business and in our homes and that sleep is often elusive.

There is no doubt that a holiday break is what we need.

To that end, our goal is to be online less frequently and only do what is absolutely necessary to keep our business running.

Our family and friends deserve the attention and the fun!

Are you ready for a holiday break of your own?  Or do you think owning your own business makes it impossible?

We are here to tell you, it is not only possible, it is a MUST!

We all need time away. We need a break both mentally and physically.

“We need to recognize that our mind, like our bodies, needs to rest and recharge in order to perform at its peak.” excerpt from “Productivity - Sometimes the Best Way to Achieve it is to ‘Scale Back’!”.

The stress of constantly being busy and, as it is with most entrepreneurs, being pulled in different directions, takes its toll. We can lose focus, lose sleep, and our family, social life, and even our health often suffers.

That is why we are a firm believer in time off.
The question then becomes "How"?

Over time, we have discovered some tried and true ways to help us take a vacation. And we use many of these same tips to take our Holiday Break!

All it takes is some serious pre-planning!

Working overtime to complete outstanding projects, notifying clients in advance you will be taking time off, and even pre-paying any bills and invoicing for completed work will help.

Learn more about what you can do to get away “work free” in “8 Easy Tips to Help You Take a Vacation ~ and Why You Should!”.

While all that extra work certainly adds to the controlled chaos of our pre-holiday schedule, it is worth it!

As an added bonus, by the time my holiday break is over, we find ourselves more than ready to dive head first into the coming year.

Will you do the same?

To that end, we wish you all 
a joyous holiday season.  
And we hope it is filled with fun, relaxation, and 
time spent with those you love, 
including some “me time” for yourself!

Created by Kimberly Kline, API

Until next year……….

Authored by   

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