And in our workplaces, the numbers are just as staggering!
The average American worker wastes 500 disposable cups and we could build a 12 feet high wall of office paper that would span from NYC to LA!
But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are definite things we can start doing now to help decrease these numbers and help our environment.
Conserve Water ~ Without even realizing it, we can waste gallons of water a day. And if we consider that waste of water collectively, as a family that really adds up. We can help reverse this trend by not letting the water run while brushing our teeth, not overwatering our garden or lawn, and not washing our cars at home. Even fixing a dripping faucet can help. All these steps will help save water and lower our water bill.
Drive Less ~ Consider using public transportation and, whenever possible, walking or biking. This will save on gas and lower emissions into our atmosphere.
Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose, and Donate ~ Before throwing something away, take stock. Can you use it in another way? Do you know somebody else that can use it, or a donation center that can give it a new home? Is it able to be recycled? Asking yourself these questions first can reduce greatly what you would unthinkingly just throw away.
Buy from “Green”, Environmentally Conscious Companies ~ Let your money talk. Choosing to buy from or work with companies who are responsible about their impact on the environment can prompt other companies to do the same.
Buy Local ~ This is my favorite way that we, as individuals, can help save our planet! Frequenting local companies and buying local goods will save gas and lessen our carbon emissions. By shopping local for goods and services, visiting farmer’s markets, and eating at local diners, we are also helping our community too!
The important thing to remember is that even small changes can make a difference!
But, even though these practices are a great start, it is not enough!
Businesses must also do their part to help our planet, regardless of changing environmental law and regulations. Many are taking the initiative and stepping up. They are implementing environmentally conscious practices now and putting in place firm plans to do more in the future.
For example, Starbucks has been very vocal about their efforts to help the environment. To that end they are working towards completely eliminating the use of straws in all their locations. And there are many other companies who are taking steps in their own businesses to lessen their effect on our planet.
“As Small Business Owners, we are increasingly focusing on our communities and our environment. We recognize the impact that even small changes can make, especially when we all band together.
And, (as an added benefit), “going green” may even help improve our image and our business by appealing to environmentally conscientious consumers!
But sometimes we just don’t know where to start!
A great first step is to understand what changes we can make in our daily business operations to help.”
Steps Small Businesses can take to help the environment ~
- Control Energy Use
- Use Environmentally Friendly Products
- Allow Remote Working
- Shop Local
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