Monday, March 24, 2014

Small Business Tips from “People in the Know” Part 5 ~ General Tips from Real Small Business Owners!

This Small Business Series has shared with you many tips to help You first get your business up and running and then keep you on the right track.  You have learned about Set-Up and Finance (Part 1), Hiring and Background Checks (Part 2), Social Media and Marketing (Part 3), and Networking and Presentations (Part 4).

In this final installment, 
We have gathered ideas from 
actual Small Business Owners
those that have really been in the trenches ~ 
to find out what works!  
There is nothing like getting information from someone who has been there.

Your Best Small Business Tips come from Small Business Owners!  "Tweet This"

Joe Soltis, of Soltis Consulting, was one of my very first online connections (*Source1).  Over the past couple years, Joe has been very generous with information, support, and friendship.

Joe has written some very informative articles geared toward Small Business.

I have picked three of my favorite articles that represent Joe’s understanding of what drives Small Business:

 The Branding and Buying Process
  • The goal of branding is to impart your solution into your customer’s brain – thus, when the problem arises, they recall your brand as the solution.
  • One pressing marketing challenge is to focus our attention on the problem recognition phase – we should focus on our customers while they are framing their problems so we can create the right content and branding messages.  Doing so allows us to present the right information for their angles of approach.
  • The process of purchasing begins when an individual becomes aware of a need.  Once they have identified the problem they wish to solve, they begin searching for possible solutions.  They gather information – refining and evaluating the criteria that will affect their decision to buy; they narrow their choices by choosing the best alternatives and; once the choice is made to purchase, they engage in the act of buying.  It is important to understand that deciding to buy and actually buying are not the same.  In the final steps of the process, individuals reevaluate their decision based on the results.
Marketing as Customer Service
  • Customer service organizational missions can indeed be applied to marketing.  Customers should be valued as people and shown courteous and concerned attention to their needs; services will be provided For (not “To”) customers; customers deserve value and honest communication; and the service process should make sense.
  • Care and Respect, Integrity, Accuracy and Thoroughness, Harmony and Unity.
Add “Emotional Value” to Your Business
  • Most clients instantly know how they are emotionally impacted and how they feel about it from the moment they interact with our business.  Experiences are memorable and our clients want and expect to be positively; emotionally; and memorably impacted at every level of their experience with us.
  • Benefits of Adding Emotional Value as a Core Aspect of Our Business ~ As business owners, adding Emotional Value to our client’s experiences is one of the strongest competitive advantages we possess and it requires us to upgrade our business operations so they positively impact emotion with our clients.  To be competitive, we need to produce a distinctive; personal; and emotional experience; We need to know and understand how to interact in an emotionally intelligent manner; We need to possess a gift for listening and being empathetic and; Deliver the highest quality of emotional interactions and feel good about the time we spend with our clients.

Penny Perasso understands both the creative and practical sides of running a business.

Perasso learned these practices by running different small business ventures in the past.  Here are her favorite tips ~
  • Let customers know how much you appreciate their business!
  • Do not waiver on pricing to get the business. Low-balling will lead to problems with time management, overhead and attitude. Be fair and offer discounts if they are available but do not slash prices when pressured by aggressive customers.
  •  Take the time to offer your customers options when they are's your product or service, invest some time in good customer service practices.
Bonus Tip ~ Your Logo
  • A logo, as defined by Wikipedia, is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.
  • Your logo represents your business and although it can consist of a typeface without a graphic element, the typeface should be a good representation of the business. Color and your graphic element also plays a big role in how people perceive your business.
  • The biggest consideration is the market you're targeting. Do you think the "Dodge Ram" logo would work if the typeface was a curly, feminine, pink cursive and the ram looked like a stuffed animal?
Perasso designed these logos for me.  Thanks Penny!

Justine Pretorious is a web and social media professional (*Source2).  She has helped Small Businesses create a strong website and social media presence to help them grow a professional and competitive online identity.  

Here are Justine’s 4 Top Tips:
  • Business Cards ~ Carry your business cards with you at all times.  Be ready when an opportunity comes along when you are out and about whether it's personal or business.  Having your business card to hand out with your contact information is an opportunity that someone may contact you in the future for your services or products.
  • Social MediaA small business owner should not feel like they have to participate in every social media channel that exists.  If you are new to social media start out with one and build your community.  As you build your community add another channel that compliments your strategy and your business to continue to engage and have a 2 way conversation about your services and products.  Social media is not about selling it's about engaging and awareness.  
  • Link Website & Social MediaMake sure to let your customers know how to find you online by linking your website to your social media channels and your social media channels should link to your website.  You should advertise what social media channels you have accounts with by listing them on business cards, receipts, invoices, flyers, and in your shop window just to name a few.
  • Tools As a small business owner you need all the help you can get.  There are all kinds of tools to help you with a variety business tasks you will have on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.  For keeping track of invoices, expenses, and tracking your time Freshbooks is very helpful.  If you have multiple social media channels you can use tools like HootSuite to schedule out posts and tweets.  Creating a website via a content management system like WordPress can give you a professional, mobile & tablet friendly website that is easy to manage and maintain that can include endless functionality possibilities.

Hilaire Henthorne owned her own coaching business for 5 years and is now working as an antiques consultant.  Over the years Hilaire has learned what it takes to make your business successful, all while keeping your sanity in the process.

Here are Henthorne's Top 3 Tips:
  • Track ROI ~ How many referrals are you getting per month?  How many of those referrals are converting into clients or sales?  Do you know?  How do you know?  It’s not enough to believe that “things are going pretty well” or to tell ourselves “I think my client numbers are increasing.”  There’s an old saying:  The numbers tell the story.  So keep track of where you’re spending your time, what you’re spending your time on, and what sort of return you’re getting from your efforts.
  • Fire Unreasonable Clients ~ And while you’re at it, decline potential clients who aren’t a good fit.  What’s that you say?  You need every client you can get?  No, you don’t.  You just need the ones who value you and are a good match for your services.  When you’re starting out and very hungry for clients, it’s tempting to forget this and/or ignore the warning signs that some clients/prospective clients give off.  Listen to your gut and trust it; some clients are more trouble than they’re worth.  Saying “yes” to clients who aren’t a good fit is a trap that many women entrepreneurs, in particular, fall into because they’re afraid to say “no” for fear of not being seen as “nice.”
  • Manage client expectations ~ Clients will have very definite ideas about what they need and want.  Some of those expectations will be reasonable; others may not.  Further, while clients may be knowledgeable about their concerns, they are not experts on your business – you are!  Therefore, have a conversation at the start about what they can expect from you and what you expect from them.  Good client relationships depend on this clarity and mutual respect.  You may even have to revisit this topic from time to time, as some clients will initially agree, then “push the envelope” to test whether you really mean what you say.    
Thank you to everyone 
that contributed and read the 
“Small Business Tips From 
‘People in the Know’” series.  
We hope it has helped you answer some of your questions or deal with some of the issues 
that can overwhelm Small Business Owners.  Knowing that you are not alone 
and that there are others out there 
that have been through it and found success is key.

Please Pay it Forward and Share!  Thanks!

Authored by  

We invite You to share your own tips and tricks by leaving a comment on this article or posting them on our Facebook page. 

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Your Small Business!

*Source1 ~ Joe Soltis, Soltis Consulting, Inc.
*Source2 ~ Justine Pretorious,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Small Business Tips from “People in the Know” Part 4 ~ Networking and Business Presentations

Tips to Help Your Small Business Succeed
Running a small business requires a lot of time, effort, and resources.  You are responsible for everything from the initial conception to the day-to-day operations.  Getting some help along the way can make that task a little easier.

In Part 4 of our series on Small Business Tips, we have gathered information on how 
strategic Networking and 
skilled business presentations 
can help You put your business 
in the best light.  
(If you have missed any of the previous installments in this series, click on these links; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).

Strong Networking & Public Speaking Skills ~ Vital to Your Small Business  "Tweet This"

Networking is something that all small business owners do at one time or another.  Whether it is informally or as part of a networking group, making connections with others is essential to our growth.

Many times the word “networking” can bring up less than favorable images.  We may think of it as the “hard sell” where we need to be “on” and ready to pitch.  This is an antiquated view.

Real networking involves more listening than talkingFinding out about other businesses ~ their goals, needs, and problems ~ should always be at the forefront.  Only then can we determine if what we offer will be of real help. 

Sheryl Johnson is the founder of BD-PRo Marketing Solutions (*Source1).  Her goal is to help Small Business owners develop a sound networking strategy designed to grow their business.

Sheryl is also one of the co-founders of the only networking group to which I currently belong, The Inn Group.  Her relaxed but effective approach has made networking a much less daunting prospect.

Here are Sheryl’s Three Tips to Boost Your Networking Effectiveness:
  • Turn Your “Pitch” into a “Promise” ~ When you meet people it is a common practice to answer the question “what do you do?” with the infamous elevator “pitch” which can come across as “salesy” and impersonal. Instead, think in terms of a “promise”. Your “promise” should be positioned to share what you can do FOR someone. It should be less about you and more about how you can help the person you are talking to. This will come across more personal and genuine to the person you are talking to and open the door for further discussion.
  • Collect Fewer Business Cards and Have More Meaningful Conversations ~ Many times people measure networking success by the number of business cards they collect at an event. If you can’t match a face to the card then you probably didn’t have a meaningful and memorable conversation. Having a significant conversation with 3-4 people at an event will produce greater results while networking because you are building relationships rather than collecting contacts. Cultivating relationships is key to networking success.  
  • Qualify Your Conversations for More Productive Follow-up ~ Most people flop the follow-up in networking because they are meeting a ton of people, have collected a boatload of business cards and frankly don’t have time to follow-up with so many people. You don’t have to follow-up with everyone you meet but you do need to follow-up with the right people. As you are having more meaningful conversations with fewer people, you next need to qualify the conversations you have to prioritize your follow-up. You should assess your conversations based on how much rapport you have and to what extent you can help the person you are talking to, then you can follow-up as needed with a specific action. You may find you don’t have any reason to follow-up with someone, so don’t.

You can find more tips on Networking from Sheryl Johnson and BD-PRo Marketing Solutions on her site and in her Network PRo Toolkit.  This kit is a great guide with resources and concrete steps to elevate your networking skills to help grow your business.

There is no doubt that having the skill to speak in public is not everyone’s strong suit.  Many times it is easy to lose your train of thought or simply be unable to keep an audience’s interest.  

However, every Small Business owner will, at one time or another, have to talk about their business.  It may be at a presentation for a prospective client or even at a meeting where they have been asked to speak.  Having some tips on how to do it right can help.  

That is where Marla Zemanek of “Write My Speech” (*Source2) comes in.  Marla’s goal is to guide others on how to organize, write, and present a memorable speech so that they are “confident, credible, and focused”.  

Marla’s Top Tips:
  • When Networking or Talking about Your Biz Informally: Make Direct Eye Contact with Members of Your Audience ~ When you want to drive home a point or influence key people, hold the contact for 5 seconds.
  • Use Humor, Stories and Personal Experiences to make your talk more interesting and memorable.
  • Begin Your Speech with a Quote, Story, Interesting Fact, or a Startling Statistic – not “Hi, my name is Joe and my speech is about…”.  For example ~ (and this is something I used to do): "Did you realize that your home could be a toxic waste site? The average home today contains 62 toxic chemicals. I have a business helping people get rid of those kinds of products and start using safe green products. I recently talked to a woman whose tropical birds died. She told me she cleaned her mini blinds and 5 minutes later came back to discover her birds were dead. I asked her what she used and she said Lysol. I told her Lysol is a pesticide. She didn't realize how dangerous it was." So while looking the person in the eye, I used a startling fact to get her attention, then told what I do (not a title), then shared a quick story that shows I know what I'm talking about and that will create a lasting impression. This is what develops business.
Bonus Tips:
  • Keep It Simple ~ People aren’t motivated by what you say; they’re motivated by what they understand. The best way to ensure audience understanding is to break down complex ideas into simple components.
  • Find Out as Much as You Can about Your Audience ~ and then customize your presentation.  Your audience will feel cared about. This will generate valuable good will, which is especially crucial when you're delivering hostile or controversial information.
  • Plan and Practice a Strong Introduction ~ People make judgments about you based on the first 4 minutes they observe you.
  • Avoid Sounding Self-Centered or Self-Serving (unless the topic calls for it) ~ Use 10 “YOUs” for every “I.”
  • Practice Your Presentation out Loud ~ The way it comes out when you vocalize it is nothing like the way it sounds in your head. This practice will also help you gauge how long each section will take
  • Have a Backup Plan in case Your Technology (ie, PowerPoint) Fails ~ You may have to present from memory and without a single visual tool if you don't.

Marla's tips are sure to help You capture your audience, beat your nerves, and make you a more successful speaker.

Getting more comfortable with 
networking and public speaking 
is a great step towards helping you 
get the word out about your business.  
The key is to put yourself out there.  
After all, you know what you have to offer 
so now it is time to let others know too....
and these tips are sure to help!

Please Pay it Forward and Share this article! Thanks!

Authored by  

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*Source1 ~ Sheryl Johnson, BD-PRo Marketing Solutions
*Source2 ~ Marla Zemanek, LinkedIn

Monday, March 10, 2014

Small Business Tips from “People in the Know” (Part 3)

Small Business Social Media & Marketing

Running a small business, 
while exciting and fulfilling, 
can also be fraught with many 
questions and concerns.  
If you are lucky, you have built a 
network of friends and peers that can help you through the rough spots.

In this 5 part series, I will share some tips from my own connections that have helped me over the years in my small business.  I think they will help you too!

In this 3rd installment of my Small Business Tips series, I will take a look at how You can Use Social Media to Market your business. (If you missed Parts 1 and 2 on finances and hiring, you can find them here and here).

Once your business is up and running, You will need to get the word out about what you do and “why”.  Now is the time to establish a sound Marketing Plan.  This plan should be an outline of how and where you want to promote your business and any budget you can allocate towards that goal.  I also believe keeping your marketing in line with your “why” should be at the forefront of that plan.

Social Media Marketing ~ Get the Word out on Your Small Business! "Tweet This"

Using Social Media as a part of your marketing plan is more affordable than “traditional” methods (tv, radio, print ads) and can allow you to reach more potential clients.  Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube are user friendly and easy to set up.

However, the real work comes in with the necessity to keep these sites current, interesting, and relevant.  It is crucial that you develop a relationship with your readers.  Regularly providing them with new and informational content is key.

Social Media Strategist, Jenn Herman (*Source1), is one of my most knowledgable Social Media connections.  Jenn writes a fantastic blog, “Jenn’s Trends”, with tips and information to make it easy to understand the ever-changing world of social media.

Most importantly, Herman practices what she preaches.  She is very dedicated to engaging her readers in a real “give and take” relationship.  I think this is a large part of what makes her so popular. 

Herman’s 3 Top Social Media Tips for Small Businesses:
  • Get active on social media ~ My first and foremost tip is to just get on social media. You cannot "opt out" of social media. People are talking about your company whether you like it or not. Ignoring the opportunity to monitor those conversations and control the direction of online conversations will only hurt your business in the long run. If you've been hesitant or are scared to really commit to it, stop! Social media isn't scary. It's an extension of your business and your brand. The most important thing is to just get out there and get active. Set up accounts on the social media sites that are best for your company and where you believe your customers to be. Then just start posting. Respond to comments and questions and get active.
  • Be consistent ~ People love predictability and consistency. We are creatures of routine. Social media is no exception, especially as perceived by your audience and customers. It's so important to have a schedule and to be consistent on social media. Your fans don't want to see you posting 4 times a day for 3 days and then nothing for a week. It makes them feel like they're not a priority in your schedule. Rather than posting to social media when it's convenient for you, think about your customers. When is it convenient for them? If your fans are online in the mornings, make it a priority to share 1-2 posts every morning. Then check back a couple times during the day to respond to comments or questions. The more consistently you share content and show a commitment to your audience, the more engagement you will receive and the more fans you reach.
  • Be Social ~ It's called SOCIAL media for a reason. I recommend you think of social media like a networking event or cocktail party. In these situations, you would never walk up to a stranger and start hyping up your business, talking incessantly, and bragging about how awesome you are. Instead, you would introduce yourself, talk about the weather, maybe your sports team is in the playoffs. You would get to know more about them, what they do, etc. THEN you might start talking about what you do. It's all about creating conversations and a relationship. Social media should be approached the same way. Talk to your audience. Ask questions, be engaging, respond to comments, share off-topic posts that relate to your audience. Consider the 80/20 (or even the 90/10) rule - only 20 (or 10) percent of what you post should be marketing or promotional.

Another favorite connection, Miller Finch of Miller Finch Media (*Source2) also understands the need for Social Media to be “social”. 

According to Miller;  Social Media is not only Promotion; 

"A major problem that I see with small businesses in their use of social media is the endless stream of promotions and nothing else. It's as boring as watching television commercials and a total turnoff. Local businesses should use their SOCIAL media accounts to be social, helpful, and interesting. Highlight events in the community, showcase their people or processes or customers, but let go of the endless "commercials"."

Miller also writes a blog, “Blog and Commentary by Miller Finch”, be sure to check it out! 

Miller’s company is dedicated to helping you establish your brand online and her motto “Social Media Done For You...Because You Don’t Have Time to Do Everything” says it all!

Social Media & Small Business
Finch shares her “Simple Social Media Tips for Business Marketing”:
  • Complete Your Profiles ~ Make sure your social media profiles are completely filled out, and that your website URL is visible in your Facebook profile, your Twitter header, and your LinkedIn masthead.  Also make it easy for people to reach you by having your contact info -- phone, email -- clearly visible in these areas or in your About section.
  • Business Logos ~ Business logos should be created both in a horizontal version and a square version.  Most social media platforms use a square area for profile pix/logos so it is essential to have your logo in this format.  A long logo in a square is cut off at the sides and looks unprofessional.
  • Business Headshots ~ Headshots should be just that -- headshots of the business owner. Too often, the profile pic, such as on LinkedIn and elsewhere, is that of the business owner with their kids, spouses, or taken from such a long distance that the business owner is not easily visible.  The business owner is the representative of the business, so it's important to have the right profile photo for people to know who they are doing business with.  Headshots don't have to be professionally shot, just a good clear and close photo with good lighting will suffice.
  • Mobile ~ Mobile is an essential part of how people use social media, and websites need to accommodate. The purpose of social media marketing is to drive potential customers to your website to learn more about you, but if your website is still "pinch and pull", they lose interest fast.  The website of the business is the sun in their marketing solar system. It's the site that the business owns -- we do not own social media platforms -- and as such should have the most attention paid to it by the business owner. This applies even to brick and mortar businesses.
Social Media can also be a great way to help other small businesses!  By focusing my efforts on helping other small business owners, I hope to start a "Pay it Forward" cycle of success!  

Discover 4 tips to get you started in "How You Can Use Your Small Business to Pay it Forward"! 

Getting the word out about your business is essential to its success, and using social media can be a great way for you to accomplish that.  For many, this may seem like a daunting task.

However, by starting with the tips here, you can be well on your way!

Please Pay it Forward and Share!  Thanks!

Authored by     

for help with Your Small Business!  
You will also discover more About Us and our Hiring, Small Business Mentoring, and Security Services too!

Be sure to also read 
Part 4 (Networking & Presentations), and 
in our 
“Small Business Tips from ‘People in the Know’” series. 

*Source1 ~ Jenn Herman, Jenn's Trends

*Source2 ~ Miller Finch, Miller Finch Media

Monday, March 3, 2014

Small Business Tips from “People in the Know” (Part 2)!

Small Business Hiring & Background Checks
Running a small business, while exciting and fulfilling, can also be fraught with many questions and concerns.  If you are lucky, you have built a network of friends and peers that can help you through the rough spots.

In this 5 part series, I will share some tips from my own connections that have helped me over the years in my small business.  I think they will help you too!

In Part 1, I shared advice on setting up your business and finances  (if you missed it, take a look here).

Once you have your business up and running, there will come a time when you are contemplating hiring or outsourcing 
some of the work.  
Whether you are interested in expanding 
or simply freeing up some of your time, 
you are sure to have questions.

Hiring and Outsourcing are one of the most stressful decisions for any small business owner.  "Tweet This"  

Hiring and Outsourcing 
are both a financial and time commitment 
that many find daunting.

Here in Part 2, You will find tips on Hiring, Outsourcing, and Background Checks to help ease the way.

I  have reached out to 3 of my “go to” people on these subjects ~ Nick Fishman, of Sterling Talent Solutions, Chas Sobolak of Justifacts, and Gali Wealcatch of RemSource for their advice.

Recruiting and training any new hire costs money and time.  As a Small Business owner, you can’t afford to waste that investment. You need to make sure that you do it right the first time.   

The key is to establish a sound hiring process.  Decide well in advance exactly what the job requirements are for your open position and fine tune your search to make sure your applicants will fit the bill.  

That is where a well thought out screening program comes in. You will want to make sure that your new hire is safe, qualified, and motivated.  Verifying the information listed on an applicant’s resume is a start.

While I also have written articles on the vital role background checks play in the hiring process, (you can find many of them on our Resources & Frequently Asked Questions page),  the following two “People in the Know” are my favorite additional sources.

Nick Fishman, Senior Vice President of Partners and Alliances at Sterling Talent Solutions (*Source1), understands the needs of Small Business.  He believes that using a qualified screening company will help ease your mind over the entire hiring process.

I have connected with Nick in many of my Background Check groups on LinkedIn.  His insights and discussions are always of great value to me.

Here Fishman shares his Top 3 Tips:
  • Just because you’re a small company doesn’t mean you don’t need to conduct background checks ~ I’ve seen too many small businesses delude themselves into believing that background checks are for larger organizations.  A small business is hurt exponentially more than a large company when they make bad hiring decisions whether related to their cost of hiring and training a replacement, their ability to weather loss due to internal theft or their ability to survive costly litigation.
Discover more about Small Business and background check costs in "Think a Background Check Costs too Much?  Think Again!".
  • Do Your Homework ~ Not all background checks are created equal.  No settling for the $5.00 internet search or asking your friend who’s a policeman to conduct the search for you.  Make sure you understand exactly what you are or are not getting for the price offered.
Read "Background Checks & Online Databases ~ What You Need to Know" for more information.
  • Understand and Play by the Rules ~ Screening laws aren’t rocket science, but they must be followed.  Make sure you adhere to the myriad consumer, privacy and anti-discrimination laws.  Just because you are a small business doesn’t make you immune to regulators or the plaintiff’s bar. 
Hiring & Background Checks for Your Small Business

Chas Sobolak, Corporate Marketing Manager of Justifacts Credential Verification Inc., concurs.  Sobolak also recognizes that establishing a sound screening program is crucial to the success of your Small Business.

Sobolak is also a LinkedIn connection.  I have shared many of his articles in my online paper, “Access Profiles Weekly”,  and on my Social Media sites.

Here are Sobolak's Top Tips:
  • Keep documentation and the hiring process consistent ~ Employment lawsuit lawyers prey on companies that have a sporadic hiring process because it can be hard to defend in court.  Be fair and consistent in the way that you recruit, interview, and screen potential candidates.  
  • Be aware of state-specific lawsWhether you’re conducting background checks nationwide or in your own hometown, state laws can affect the way you screen your applicants.  Particular states restrict the ability to ask about previous convictions on job applications, the use of older cases, the use of dismissed criminal cases, and more.  
  • Understand how the FCRA affects hiringThe primary law regulating the procurement, preparation and use of a background report is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  If a company’s procedures are not in compliance with the FCRA, it is likely a large group of individuals will have been affected. Plaintiffs are eligible to receive statutory damages (no proof of actual damages required) of $100 to $1000 per violation, and there is no cap on the damages that can be awarded against the defendant.  Justifacts has established a Guide to Understanding the FCRA for a fast track to compliance.
  • Establish and follow an Adverse Action processBefore rejecting a job applicant, denying a promotion or terminating an employee based in whole or in part on information obtained in a consumer report, companies are obligated under the FCRA to follow a two-step Adverse Action process. This process provides applicants / employees the opportunity to review and dispute information in the report, if they so choose.  For more details about the Adverse Action process view our Adverse Action Process blog post.
More Tips to Help Your Small Business "Fly Under the EEOC Radar" can be found Here!

Another option open to you is to Outsource instead of making a long-term hire.  This choice can provide many benefits to the Small Business Owner.  Most importantly, it can save you money and time.  Outsourcing is also perfect for when you need help with a short-term or seasonal project.

Gali Wealcatch is Director of Marketing & Business Development at RemSource, a company that specializes in Outsourced Administrative Services (*Source3).  The people at RemSource recognize your need to keep your business running smoothly.  They believe that Outsourcing can do just that.

Here Wealcatch lists the Top 3 Benefits of Administrative Outsourcing:
  • Experience ~ Very often, a small business owner isn’t trained or proficient in all of the administrative responsibilities that come along with running a business. Sending those tasks to people who do that for a living means it will be done right.
  • Stress-relief ~ If you’ve ever tried to hire someone, you know how much of a headache it is to review resumes, interview, onboard, train, and often, fire and replace. Outsourcing to an established team means that you’re solution is available whenever you want it, and it doesn’t take very much to get started. Plus, there are no sick days, vacation days, or extended leave.
  • Big savings ~ Hiring your own employee comes with a salary, office space, equipment, utilities, and payroll expenses. Outsourcing is only 1 expense that should earn you way more than its fees by freeing you up to make more money during your day.

To learn more about what Hiring Temp Workers and Interns can do for your Small Business, read "How to Hire Fresh Talent without a Long-Term Commitment!". 

Hiring, Screening, and Outsourcing 
are all issues each Small Business owner 
will deal with during the life of their business. Making sure you have 
the information you need before you hire 
is the best way to start off on the right foot and put your company on the road to success!

Please Pay it Forward and Share!  Thanks!

Authored by    

Want more articles like this?
Be sure to read 
in our “Small Business Tips from ‘People in the Know’” series.  

for help with Your Small Business!  
You will also discover more About Us and our Hiring, Small Business Mentoring, and Security Consulting Services too!

*Source1:  Nick Fishman, Senior VP of Partners and Alliances at Sterling Talent Solutions

*Source2:  Chas Sobolak, Corporate Marketing Manager for Justifacts Credential Verification Inc.

*Source3:  RemSource ~ Website 

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