Monday, April 14, 2014

Tips to Help You stay Focused & Get Active!

No doubt about it. It is important to Get Active!
After the holidays, or an especially hectic or stressful time, we are all ready to put some focus on taking care of ourselves! The problem? We still need to work. We have clients to keep happy and bills to pay. We also have blogs to write and social media obligations.

Is it possible to do both? The answer is a resounding “Yes”!
The key is to not deny yourself. Implement a work schedule with built in “me time”. You will find that when it is scheduled into your day, you do it!

As an added benefit, taking an “active” break will also recharge you. You will gain better focus, added energy, and even find that you are more creative.

Taking an "Active Break" is Good for Your Health & Your Business!  "Tweet This"

Regular active breaks get you away from your desk and out of your seat. Like most people, you will enjoy and are energized by breaks from work. 

Taking an active break does not have to be a huge commitment.  It can be as simple as a 10 or 15 minute walk around the block or a quick stepping or other exercise session.

What is important is planning these breaks into your day.  It is best to begin each day with something active. It gets your metabolism moving and revs up your energy to tackle the work ahead.

The next break many can take is usually around lunch.  If you can,  get outside and take a brisk walk. If the weather isn’t cooperating, moving in any way inside will have to do. Then end the day in much the same way.

Reasons to take an "Active Break":
  • It is Good for your Body and Health ~ Your body is not designed for sitting hours on end. Your back, neck, and shoulders will feel the strain, along with your eyes from staring at your screen. Getting up and moving will make all the difference.
  • You will Feel More Creative & Effective ~ You will find that when you return after a brisk walk, or any activity where you move, your mind is clearer. Often something that has been puzzling us, or a blog article that just won’t come together, is suddenly not so daunting.

  • You will Become more In-tune with your Surroundings ~ Without sounding too “zen”, we find real peace being outside and moving ~ and if that place happens to be the beach, all the better!   
  • You will Feel Much Better at the End of the Day ~ Stress levels and headaches are lessened and your energy will be high.  You may also find you sleep much better too!
According to an article on, “Take Short Walks to Live Longer”;
The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 30 minutes of physical activity each day. By squeezing in an additional 15 minutes, you'll likely live even longer and make your daily life a lot more pleasurable.”

While working from home definitely helps fit these active breaks into your schedule more easily, you can do this even if you work in an outside office. 
Tips on How You can Incorporate Active Breaks into Your Day
  • Go for a Short Walk Every Day ~ It can be outside or indoors, just get moving! Over time you can increase your distance, or simply take a few short walking breaks each day, even three 15 minute breaks work great.
  • Join a Fitness Program ~ Choose a time that works for you.  Try to choose an activity that you can also do on your own time.  This will help you keep it up even on weekends.
  • Support a Fund-Raising Walk or Run ~ Join with co-workers or, if you work from home, recruit other local at-home workers.  Train for the event as a group daily or at least several times a week.  This type of active break is great for team building. 
No matter what you do, it is important that you Get Active!
I have certainly not always been the “poster child” for healthy living, but I have discovered that I really need to do this for me. It is not simply about fitting into nicer clothes, it is about my overall physical and mental well being.

While you may not always have all the time you would like, scheduling in an "active" break as much as possible is good for your health and well-being. And you are worth it!

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