How Much of what You Post Online is Really Private? Should You be Concerned what is “Out There” About You? The answer? A Resounding YES!
Despite privacy settings, probably very little of what you post online is truly private. Do you know what your friends or “online acquaintances” are posting or sharing online about you?
A Hot topic is the use of information found on Social Media by Employers both during the Hiring Process and in Dictating Employee Conduct. Questions revolve around how much of what is found can be used to either make employment decisions or be used to contain existing employee’s online behavior.
In the first of this two part series, we will discuss how Social Media posts, pictures, etc. are used during the hiring process.
Many times, checking social media it is not part of the “formal” background check investigation, but is often an added “tool” used by the hiring company or background check investigator for getting a clearer picture of the applicant.
Most employers or their agents run an applicant’s name through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to see what is “out there”. For this reason, we recommend any job seeker do a Background Check on themselves prior to putting out that first application (read our earlier blog post on this topic).
What most companies do not do, and definitely should not do, is request an applicant’s passwords to access those accounts. Checking to see what is readily available to the public on those platforms is a far cry from asking for passwords to do so. As an employer, it is not wise to attempt to gain this information from anyone.
In fact, in many cities and states it is illegal.
Some states have passed their own laws to prohibit the request of passwords (and we predict many more will follow suit) *Source1. It is a clear invasion of privacy to ever request this type of personal information.
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Your posts may also open you up to potential discrimination by employers. You need to evaluate whether you reveal things such as your sexual orientation, political views, or any groups affiliations that could be held against you.
While there are existing laws designed to prevent discrimination based on things such as age, race, gender, and disabilities; the laws are just beginning to address the other issues mentioned above.
Another thing you need to consider is whether you have shared any negative posts about your current or former employer. Many times this can also have a negative impact on your chances of getting a job offer.
When setting up your profile, make sure you present yourself in a good light. Highlight your education, professional accomplishments, charity work, and volunteer activities. Creating a page or profile that shows you are an interesting and accomplished individual can help you land that job.
It is not all about bragging or showing off. Employers like well-rounded people. If your posts and profiles reveal a person who likes to be involved, stays active in your community, and is generally interested and interesting, you will stand out beyond your resume.
Source1: New laws in six states ban employers from asking for social media passwords
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