What topics resonated with you, our readers, in 2020?
Each year we take a look back at our top blog articles of the year. These are the ones that garnered the most “reads”, shares, and responses. It is a great way for us to see what worked, what didn’t, and what topics are of the most interest.
No doubt 2020 was an interesting year. It was full of upheavals; personally, professionally, and nationally.
Many businesses were faced with closures, downsizing, and uncertainty. This resulted in large scale unemployment and layoffs as many fought just to stay afloat.
For those suddenly out of work, finding a job became a necessity ~ and while no job search is ever easy, the pandemic made it especially difficult. Not all companies were hiring out of fear of over extending themselves, and those that were had to interview and onboard under very different circumstances.
But when it comes to looking for a job, there are some things that do not change, and that is why the following two articles made our list.
No matter what, it is still important for job seekers to create a well thought out and honest resume. And it is still vital that they are ready for the inevitable employment background check.
When it comes to the background check, the very best thing any job applicant can do is to be prepared.
In the first of our top articles of 2020, we tackled how not to be blindsided by what a previous employer will reveal about you and your job performance.
“When it comes to a background check, do you know what a former employer will say about you? Do you know what they are actually legally allowed to say?
The quick answer to this question is ~ It depends! Some states and localities have statutes addressing this issue, while others do not. And even among areas that have regulations the guidelines can vary.
However, there is some information that past employers commonly reveal. These are your start and finish dates and your job title. For a growing number of companies, this is the extent of the information they will provide. Some others may also include your reason for leaving and whether you are eligible for rehire.
But what about things like your job performance or other “personal” details?
When it comes to what a previous employer will say about you, your best bet is to know in advance. Not only is it better for your chances of landing a new job, but having this information will also prevent any unwelcome surprises during the employment background check!”.
Learn more in “What is a Previous Employer really allowed to Say about You?”!
Being prepared goes a long way towards passing the background check and getting the job. But being honest during the entire hiring process is also crucial.
Our second top article deals with this question, “Is it ever okay to use “Fake References” to help you land the job?
In “Can You Pay someone to act as a Reference?”, we shared the real problems you can encounter when you try to lie your way into getting hired.
“It cannot be emphasized enough, when it comes to your resume and references, honesty is key.
While presenting yourself in the best possible light is naturally your goal, achieving that goal should never involve lying. Not only is it wrong, but you run the risk of being found out. That is especially true during the employment background check!
“Be assured, employers are checking. Verifying the information on your resume is common practice and part of most company’s hiring processes. Investigating your education, past employments, and skills top the list. It is time to take note ~ When your resume lies are uncovered during the hiring process, you lose. And if discovered later, you could face not only the embarrassment of getting fired, but also the possibility of public humiliation”, excerpt from “Employer’s Share ~ Lie on your Resume and You Lose!”.
Discover how important it is to take the extra step and make sure your references will help you in your job search and not hurt it here too!

Job Search and Hiring Tips, our most popular topics in 2020! "Tweet This"
Our final two top articles focus on tips to help a company hire right and protect their business.
Even those businesses that worked hard to weather the storm found themselves doing business differently than they ever had before.
For many, what it meant for their employees to “go to work” changed. Working from home was suddenly the new norm. Remote work no doubt impacted the way employees and managers functioned.
But, despite being unsure of what the future holds, businesses still found the need to hire. And the key, as always, is to do what they can to hire right the first time!
In “Hiring in 2020 ~ 5 Things You need to do First”, we shared important tips to help!
"Hiring is a big step for any business. Whether it is your first hire or you have hired before, making sure you do it right is important for you, your employee, and your company.
Knowing these 5 things first will ensure your Hiring Practices are up to the task!
- What kind of background check fits the job
- What rules apply to your background checks
- Why you should never hire before doing a background check
- What to do if your background check uncovers a “red flag”
- Why hiring a background check company is good business
You can also learn more about how you can hire the best and safest new employee for your business here!
Our last top article was perhaps the most relevant in 2020, and will be equally as important as companies consider bringing their employees back to work.
In “Should You do a Background Check on Recalled Employees?”, we share why re-screening employees who have been away from the job is in your best interest.
“Businesses around the country, large and small, are slowly reopening after the sudden closures due to COVID-19. They are making changes to follow safety guidelines. They are checking inventory and buying supplies. And they are also working out when and how to call their employees back to work.
But before taking that step and getting your employees back and up to speed, there are a few things to consider ~ and one of them is a background check!
Of course you may wonder why? Why would you need to do a background check on employees you already screened at their time of hire?
There are valid reasons why running another background check might be in you and your company’s best interest.
The most important reasons to re-screen are that it may be required by law or that your contractural obligations to your clients require it.
There are certain industries where a break in employment longer than a certain period of time, often 6 months, requires that individual to be re-screened. If your industry falls under that category, then you are obligated to follow through.
Another reason to re-screen is that your clients expect it. Re-screening guidelines may even be part of your contract with those clients or customers.
In that case, these clients will most likely require you to provide proof that all recalled employees have undergone a new screening and they are cleared to return to work.
When a re-screening is mandated by law or by clients, the parameters of that check are often pre-determined and must be followed during your investigation. Make sure you know what those guidelines are and follow them carefully.
You may also simply choose to do another background check on the employees you call back to work. And as an employer, it is your right.
Common reasons to re-screen include ~ a desire to protect your company from liability, your recalled employee was off for 6 months or more, your employee’s job duties will increase when returning to work, or any other reason that makes sense for you and your business.
The most important thing is that if do you choose to run a new background check on your recalled employees, that you follow definite steps to make sure you are doing it right.
The key is to treat a re-screening the same way you treat any first time background check and follow all relevant local, county, state, and federal guidelines”.
Find out more about How and Why to Re-screen Recalled employees in this article.
No matter what the year brings, some things do not change. There will always be businesses that need to hire new talent and talented people looking for a new job.
The key is for each employer and potential employee to know how to best achieve that goal. And that is the purpose of our blog ~ to provide relevant information and tips to help.
Please let us know any topics you would like to see covered or questions you need answered concerning your business or job search. We are here to help!
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