March 31st is Opening Day for the 2014 Baseball Season. Fans have been counting down the days ~ some since the final game of last season. Anticipation is high.
Every team is starting over. What happened last year is last year and each team and their fans hold hope that they will win the golden prize ~ the World Series.
A new season also means each team starts off on an even playing field. Of course analysts, owners, players, and fans will have their favorites. But no one can truly predict who will win. That is what makes the game exciting.
I have shared my love of sports before, so it is no surprise that I find the idea of renewed possibilities inspiring.....and this inspiration helps fuel my business.
Here are 5 of my favorite quotes from the legendary Babe Ruth that motivate me. Use them to help spark your own drive...

Just as with the start of a new season, past successes are just that, in the past. While it is possible to build upon what has gone before, you must continue to prove yourself every day. You are only as good as your last job.

Go for it! Being tentative and fearful will not get you want you want. You have to set yourself big goals. While you may set smaller goals along the way, your eye should be on the big prize.

Don’t allow the possibility you may fail to derail you. The reality is that you will fail from time to time. The key is to not let that stop you from moving forward. Here, as in many things, attitude is everything.

Understand that your failures are simply chances to find out what works. Learning from those mistakes is what will allow you to fine tune your business so you can hit that “home run”.

There is great value in team work. When everyone works hard for a common goal, you will find success. Make sure all your employees are on the same page. Be clear about your goals and what each of you needs to contribute to achieve them.
Now it is time to find your own “Opening Day” inspiration. Relish the excitement of a new season and take that feeling and put it into your own business.
I am rooting for you!
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