Sunday, January 31, 2016

Signs You Made a Hiring Mistake (The Employees You Want to Hire and the Ones to Avoid for Your Small Business Part 2)

I can Help You Avoid a Hiring Mistake!

When it comes to Hiring, you can think you have done everything right.  You took the time to write the best job descriptions to help you hire.  You screened your applicants thoroughly, hoping to weed out any resume lies or past behavior that could signal an unsafe hire. 

But despite your best efforts, you are slowly starting to think you might have made a mistake.

Now what do you do?

Steps You Should Take if You Made a Hiring Mistake “Tweet This”

Here in part 2 of my series on The Employees You Want to Hire and the Ones to Avoid, I will share some early warning signs to look for and what you can do to get back on the right hiring track!  

Most often, your first mistake is made during the interview and screening process.  You may be in a hurry to hire and you become rushed.  Instead of spending the time necessary to verify resumes and check details, you grab the first candidate that looks promising.  

This is a mistake.  Taking the time now to interview and screen your applicants thoroughly can save you from major hiring headaches later.

That is why it is important you recognize the potential warning signs during the interview!  And your best weapon is to consistently ask the right questions and listen closely to the answers.

As discussed in Part 1 of this series;

“It is possible to spot your Best and Worst Hires during the interview and screening process.  It is all about asking the right questions.  Be sure to ask them and their former employers for specific examples of when your applicant worked as part of a group, spearheaded a project, or solved a problem.

Listen carefully to the answers and note when they fit the kinds of traits you are looking for.

Conversely, pay attention to any red flags.  Any examples where your applicant is overboard on self-praise should be noted.  And a past employer’s perception of them as unreliable or unproductive should give you pause."

Find out more by checking out the entire article here!

So, now that you know what to do during the interview stage, it is important to recognize the signs to look for AFTER you make your hire!

After the Hire ~ What You can Do if You Made a Mistake!

Early Warning Signs You Have Made a Hiring Mistake

Be Wary of New Hires……

Who Expect Special Treatment - They quickly want their job duties or work schedule changed to accommodate them.  

Who Constantly Complain - They are very vocal about what they see as problems.  They are quick to point out ways they are being taken advantage of or being treated unfairly.  This behavior can ruin company morale. 

Who are Doing the Bare Minimum - The best new hires want to stand out. They go above and beyond in order to prove to you that you made the right choice.  If your new hire is not doing this, then you should be concerned.

Who Repeat Their Mistakes - You have to expect that new hires will not be perfect.  But when a mistake is pointed out to them, and the correct way to do something is explained, then continuing to do it wrong spells trouble.  It shows lack of focus and commitment to doing their job well.

Who are Unwilling to do things Your Way  - They continue to do things like they did at their previous job or how they think is best.  
This can be a sign of someone too set in their ways.  While you should always be open to new ideas, being completely unwilling to adapt, without even trying it your way, should be a warning sign.  

Who Will Never Take the Reigns - They won’t take any initiative or jump at the chance to spearhead a new project or team.

Who are the Source of Complaints from Your Other Employees - You are being bombarded by your existing workers with tales of incompetence, lack of team work, laziness, etc.  While you can’t simply take these complaints at face value, you do need to check into them.

Now that you have learned how to spot a potentially problematic employee, it is time to find out what you should do about it ~ and the answer to that question is really, “It Depends”!

There are times that your new hire can be saved.  It is possible that putting them through a re-training program will help.  Or maybe you have simply hired the right person for the wrong position.  In that case, moving them to a different position (if possible) can make all the difference.  

If you decide that giving your New Hire a Chance is an option, then you should: 

Consider Re-Training Your New Hire

It is important that you are giving your new hires the tools they need to hit the ground running.  You can’t expect them to be productive and fit right in if you are not willing to take the time to help.

That means careful and well thought out onboarding.  Be sure to use established and detailed training programs.  Make them as specific to your new hire’s position as possible.

If your onboarding and training processes are up to par, then it is possible that taking the time to re-train your new hire will put them on the right track.

Take a Look at How Your New Hire “Fits”

It may be that your new hire has the skills they need to do the job, but they just don’t seem to fit in.  They may not understand or gel with your company culture.  Or they may simply be too unsure of themselves.

Either way, you have to decide if taking additional steps is worth it to keep them.  If you choose to try and work it out, then finding them a mentor to help them during their transition is a great step.  

Having a mentor gives your new hire an immediate close contact within your company.  It provides them someone to go to with questions where they won’t be judged.  This can make all the difference.  

Made a Hiring Mistake?  I can Help!

However, there are other times when it is better to cut your losses and let your new hire go.  And once you have made the decision that this course of action is best, then it is crucial that you take the time to do it right.

It starts with a one on one with your new hire.

Be completely open and honest with them about why it is not working out.  Be ready with clear examples of problems you have observed about their job performance.  Avoiding accusations and personal attacks is key. 

It is also important you give your new hire the chance to provide any mitigating circumstances that can explain their behavior.  It is possible that their answers may provide you with some insight that could alter your decision to let them go.

No matter what you decide, it is absolutely necessary that you document the entire conversation and any previous actions (re-training and/or mentoring for example) and subsequent decisions made concerning your new hire.

You should also keep detailed records of all performance reviews and any steps taken or directives given to your employee to remedy the problem. 

This will help protect you and your company from a potential lawsuit.  In fact, it should be done for all your employees at all times!

Even when an employee is new, or still in their probationary period, this is important.  You must have records documenting everything from their initial interviews, to their hiring, to their work while with your company, and this includes the steps you take before letting them go.

Once your problem employee is gone, you will once again need to hire.  And it is key that you learn from your previous mistakes or risk making a bad hire all over again.

Remember, any hiring mistakes you make will cost your small business not only time, but money.  Evaluating what you are doing now and how you can make your hiring process better in the future makes good business sense. 

Keeping the Right Employee Starts with Your Hiring Process  “Tweet This”

I Can Help You Hire Safely!

Learn more about How to Hire Right with the tips found in these articles:


Now you are armed with the information you need to hire right in your Small Business.  In Part 1 of this series you learned who to hire and who to avoid.  And here in Part 2 you discovered the steps you can take if you have already made a hiring mistake.

Using these tips will help you hire with success! 

Please Pay it Forward and Share this article on your favorite social sites!  I would also love to hear your own hiring stories.  Comment Here! Thanks!

Authored by   

Contact Me Now!  I can help you Hire Right in your Small Business!

Find out What I can Do to Help You Hire Right!

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Employees You Want to Hire and the Ones to Avoid for Your Small Business

Hiring Tips for Your Small Business

Hiring for your small business is a big step.  It shows that you are doing something right when it comes to running your business.  

But no matter how exciting this step can be, it is important that you go into it with your eyes wide open.

Over the past few weeks I have focused on different things you can do make sure you hire right.  

I have shared the Importance of Writing Good Job Descriptions for your open position (Part 1 & Part 2), Your 2016 Hiring Checklist, and the reasons to Verify your Applicant’s Past Employments.

Now it is time to focus on the employees that will help or hurt your small business.  In the first installment of this 2 part series, you will discover both Who to Look for and Who to Avoid when it is time to hire!  

Who to Hire & Who to Avoid for Your Small Business  “Tweet This”

 6 Employees you WANT to Hire in Your Small Business

A Leader ~ Someone who is willing to take charge, whether it is of a team or on a special project.  They don’t shy away from responsibility.  

Look for someone who has already proven they have this skill. This information can come from a former employer (good reason to not skip those employment verifications) or even from a project or club they spearheaded while in college.

A Teammate ~ Someone who is willing and able to work collectively.  They will care about your other employees and about your company as a whole.  Team players are not just focused on how they perform, but how the group performs.  Just like the Leader, you need this type of employee to make your small business work. 

An Innovator ~ Someone who is creative and strategic in their thinking.  They are capable of looking at things “out of the box”. They are willing to not only embrace new ways of doing things, but are also able to suggest them.

A Problem Solver ~ Someone who can evaluate a problem and find a solution.  A strategist.   Problem solvers can think quickly and are willing to take decisive action.  They know exactly how to use what they have to make things happen.

An Independent Thinker ~ Someone who is able to look at something with a new perspective, a different way of doing things. They are great at critical thinking.  Their biggest asset is that they are not willing to simply go along, even if it is against popular opinion.

A Flexible, Multi-Tasker ~ Someone willing to work beyond their job description and take on additional tasks.  This type of employee can adapt to changing demands.  This is especially important in a small business.  Many times you may not be able to hire as many employees as you might need. It helps when fewer employees are flexible enough to cover multiple tasks.

Now that you know the type of employees you want in your Small Business, it is just as important that you know the types of employees to avoid.

Best & Worst Employees for Your Small Biz

6 Employees to AVOID Hiring in Your Small Business

A Pessimist or Complainer ~ Someone who always thinks in the negative.  They criticize other employees and your company. They love to point out problems, but rarely offers solutions.  This employee will bring down company morale

A Sheep ~ Someone who blindly follows.  They have no original thought.  They never think to ask questions or try to find better ways of doing things (the complete opposite of the Independent Thinker).

A Loafer ~ Someone who is inherently lazy.  They won’t do their share, but love taking the credit, especially when it comes to group work. You often find them away from their desk or “on break”. This type of employee can create resentment since your other employees often have to carry their work load.

An Egotist ~ Someone who makes everything about them.  A narcissist. They have a hard time getting along with your other employees and can’t truly succeed at team work.  Their only focus is on the “me”, not the “we”. 

A Finger Pointer ~ Someone who will never Own their own Mistakes.  They are always ready to accuse others instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.

A Person Set in their Ways, an Obstinate ~ Someone who is close minded.  Who fights change every step of the way.  Employing too many of these types will keep your business stagnant.  You need people willing to help your business evolve and grow.

It is possible to spot your Best and Worst Hires during the interview and screening process.  It is all about asking the right questions.  Be sure to ask them and their former employers for specific examples of when your applicant worked as part of a group, spearheaded a project, or solved a problem.

Listen carefully to the answers and note when they fit the kinds of traits you are looking for.

Conversely, pay attention to any red flags.  Any examples where your applicant is overboard on self-praise should be noted.  And a past employer’s perception of them as unreliable or unproductive should give you pause (you will learn more about warning signs of bad hires in Part 2 of this series).  

Now you know what types of employees to look for and what types to avoid hiring in your small business.  In part 2, I will explain what to do if, despite your best efforts, you find yourself having made a hiring mistake!

Please Pay it Forward and Share this article on your favorite social sites!  I would also love to hear your own hiring stories.  Comment Here! Thanks!

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I can help you hire in your Small Business!

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Why You Should Check Employments on all Your New Hires

Checking Past Employments on Your New Hires Makes Sense!

As a Small Business owner, you already recognize the value of screening your new hires.  You understand that knowledge is power and hiring with your eyes wide open makes sense. 

But did you know that checking past employments should be an important part of the equation?

There is valuable information that can be discovered when you take the time to verify employments.  In fact, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to assume that there is very little beyond dates and title of employment to find.

Here I will discuss Why You need to do Past Employment Checks and Share What You can Really Find Out!

Many are under the assumption that companies are prohibited by law from verifying anything beyond the very basic information on their past employees.  This is not true.

As long as they are not fabricating anything, they are free to share both positive and negative comments about their past employees’ job performance.

However, companies are prohibited from outright lying ~ and doing so can put them on the wrong end of a defamation lawsuit. 

Because of this, employers are understandably cautious.  And many times you will encounter employers who cite “company policy” as a a reason to release only the bare minimum.

Despite this, if you know how to ask the right questions, you can discover so much more!

For example, it is possible to uncover that your applicant was terminated instead of having resigned.  Or that your their job performance was not up to par.

It all comes down to what questions you ask and how you ask them!

Asking the Right People the Right Questions Gets You the Employment Information You Need!  “Tweet This”

What You Need to Do ~ Ask the Right Questions of the Right People!

If you want to get the information you really need from an Employment verification, you first need to go to the best sources.  
And that is not the Human Resources Department.

Instead, work hard to contact your applicant’s direct supervisor or manager.  Speaking with someone who worked closely with your applicant is key.  They will have the real information you need to make a good assessment of your possible new hire.

Once you reach the right person, then it is time to ask the right questions.

Your “Go To”  Employment Verification Questions: 

The Employment Questions You Need to Ask!

Dates and Title of Employment ~ Start off easy with verifying your applicant’s dates and title of employment.  You may even want to contact HR first just to get this basic out of the way.  

Then it is time to find out more.

Reason for Leaving ~ Finding the true circumstances under which your applicant left their previous position is valuable.  Were they fired for cause?  Did they leave under good terms?  Discovering the true reason your applicant left makes sense.
This is not always a negative.  Many times a previous supervisor will be happy to share that your applicant left to better themselves. This is the kind of thing you want to hear!  

Eligible for Rehire ~ “Are they eligible for Rehire?” is my favorite of all the employment questions I ask!  Many times I have gotten an answer to this question even when company policy dictates they only supply dates and title of employment!

And their answer can say a lot!  

If there is no negative reason why your applicant left, your source will usually answer with something like “Yes, we would love to have them back” or “Our policy is to not rehire when someone leaves us, but I wish we could”.

However, if there is cause why your applicant is no longer working there, most times the answer to this question is a curt sounding “No”!

Performance ~ Asking a question such as “What are their Strengths and Weaknesses”? can yield some valuable information to your hiring decision.
If possible, follow up with a request for any specific examples they are willing to share.

Their former supervisor’s insights can help you determine whether these qualities could make a good fit in your small business.

Reliability / Attendance ~ Knowing whether your applicant can be counted on is key.  Asking “Did they show up on time when scheduled?” or “Would You Consider them Reliable?” makes sense.  

Would You Recommend this Applicant for a Job? ~ Committing or, in some cases not committing, to a recommendation is a big deal.  When your source is willing to go on record either way, then that should say a lot to you about whether this is the hire for you.

Making Employment Verifications a part of your screening process can yield information valuable to your hiring decisions. And, in my estimation, the more information you have, the better.  As always, Knowledge is Power.

Services Designed to Help You Hire Safely

Using a good background check company to help you in your hiring process makes sense.  
And this is especially true when it comes to using Employment Verifications.  

The benefits are twofold.  First, a good background check company will take the time necessary to contact the best sources.  Second, they will also be practiced in How to Ask the Right Questions to obtain the quality information you need.

And, after all, Hiring Safely and Effectively should be your ultimate goal!

Please Pay it Forward and Share and Comment on this article!  Thanks!

Authored by  

I can help you develop a sound and effective Hiring Policy tailored to Your Small Business! 

Contact Me for Help With Your Hiring Needs

Find out more About Me and My Services too.  
I can answer your Hiring Questions (visit my Resources & Frequently Asked Questions page).

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Your 2016 Small Business Hiring Checklist ~ What You Need to Do Now

Hiring Tips for 2016

It is the start of another year, and you have worked hard to make your small business a success.  You may have increased your client base or are contemplating expanding your products or services.

The potential for increased workload has you thinking about how you will handle the volume.  

Now is the time when you should plan for possible new hires. That may be full time hires or even part-time or temporary hires.

Each type of hire has their own set of pros and cons.  

Learn more in “Is Your Company Ready to Hire? 10 Tips on When & How to Do it Right!”.

But no matter which type of hire you choose, pre-planning makes sense.  And the time is Now to get Your Small Business Ready.

This Small Business Hiring Checklist will help.

Get Your Small Business Ready to Hire with this Checklist!  “Tweet This”

Your #SmallBizHiring Checklist

  • Develop a Hiring Strategy

Your hiring strategy should include criteria that determines when and how to hire and your company’s goals.

For example, you can set hiring parameters such as, “I will hire when my workload or that of my employees increases 5-10%”, or “I will look internally for promotions, then replace at the entry level”.

Whatever you choose, it is important to really think about what will work for you and your company.

Being proactive and creating your hiring strategy long before you really need it is key.  

Putting it off is risky.  Not only will you have to scramble to get one in place under pressure, but you will most likely be adding to your strained workload or that of your existing employees.

  • Write the Perfect Job Descriptions

Taking the time to write the best job descriptions for your small business makes sense.  And once again, it is best to start this long before you need to hire. 

When done right, a good job description will not only help you hire the best candidate, it will also help promote your company brand.  

Your job descriptions help you hire by being specific about the skills and experience you need for your positions.  It will also help any potential job seekers know exactly what will be expected of them.

In addition, by using key words and phrases, you will be able to convey your working atmosphere and company culture.  Both are an important part of your Small Business Brand. 

You can find out more in Part 1 and Part 2 of my series, “Job Descriptions ~ How to Write One and Why it is Important to Do it Right!”. 

  • Make Your Small Business Attractive to Job Seekers

As a small business, you will be competing for top talent not only with other small businesses, but also with big business.  In order to attract the best hire, you should focus on what makes your company unique.

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to compete directly with what larger businesses can offer.

Instead, focus on creating the right company culture.  Develop ways to ensure talent is rewarded.  Keep in mind what employees really want, and find a way to meet their needs.  Take into consideration what is really relevant to their lives.

And salary is only a part of it.  Consider offering flexibility that addresses their personal needs, tangible rewards for good work, and even possible work from home opportunities.   

Remember, “Small Businesses get it wrong.  Many think that because they are small, they have less to offer their new hires than the big companies.  Because of this, they often settle for what they can get.

Even job seekers can fall into this trap.  Most often their goal is to work for a large company, often without even considering working for a small business.   They can’t see the benefits that a small business can bring to their level of experience and confidence.

It is time to change that mindset.”

Read more ways to set your small business apart in “4 Reasons Why Job Seekers will Want to Work for Your Small Business”!

Small Business Hiring Tips

  • Ensure Your Hiring Procedures are Compliant

Before you hire, you will also need to address issues that govern the hiring process.  There are local, state, and federal legislation you will have to consider.  In addition, EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines must be addressed.

A big part of this concerns your applications and applicant’s rights.

  • Update Your Applications

Your application, both paper and online, is most often one of the first introductions a job seeker has to your company and your open position (after your “help wanted” posting).

It is important that it is clear and concise.  Your application should request basic personal identification and contact information.  It should also ask for information related directly to the job you want to fill.

What it should not contain is any question concerning your applicant’s possible past criminal history.

This is where “Ban the Box” comes in.  

Many states and localities have passed legislation that prohibits you from asking your applicants about any criminal history early on in the hiring process (with many more sure to do so in the future).  

Continuing to include this question on your application opens you up to potential EEOC lawsuits.

You can discover more about “Ban the Box” in “Don’t Roll the Dice ~ Why You Need to ‘Ban the Box’ Now!”.

  • Know Your Applicant’s Rights

Your job applicants have rights when it comes to the employment background check.  It starts with you having to fully inform your applicant that a background check will be done, only proceeding after obtaining a signed release from your applicant, and informing your applicant, in writing, of their rights concerning that background check. 

You can find out more about these rights in “Summary of Your Rights” via the Small Business Association. (*Source 1)

  • Update Your Release and Disclosure Forms

According to the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), you must inform applicants that an employment background check will be done during the hiring process.  This disclosure must be given in writing and it must be in a “stand alone” document.  This means it cannot be contained within your application or background check release form.

Not complying with this requirement can lead to unwanted attention from the EEOC.  Read “Beware of Background Check Disclosure Risks” to find out more. (*Source 2)

  • Hire a Good Screening Company

To keep up with these hiring and compliance issues, you should consider hiring a good screening company to help.  Choose one that will work with you, as a partner, to keep you up-to-date with ever-changing hiring regulations and that will focus on your specific needs.  

What a Background Check Company can Do For You

Read more about why hiring an outside screening company is good for your small business in “5 Smart Reasons to Outsource Your Background Checks”.

Following this checklist will help get your Small Business ready to hire.  And the time to start is NOW!

Please Share this article on your favorite social sites!  Thanks!

Authored by  

Contact Me Now!  I can help you set up a hiring policy that will work for you!

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About Me too!   

*Source 1: Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA
*Source 2: Background Check Disclosure Risks

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Your Top 10! My Most Popular Blog Articles of 2015

Top Small Business Articles of 2015

2015 has come to an end and I am once again looking forward to the start of a new year. This is the time I like to reflect on everything that happened in the past year, both in my professional and personal life.

For me, that always includes my blog.  What topics did I cover that generated the most interest?  Was I able to reach a new audience?

My Top 10 Small Business Articles of 2015!  “Tweet This”

I discovered that these 10 articles were by far my most popular. They each found more readers, shares, and comments than any of my other posts.

My first 4 Top Blog Posts all centered around You and Your Small Business.

In “5 Truths About Small Business”, I took a look at how Small Business has become an integral part of who we are and its importance to our nation.

I touch on topics like what you can learn starting your own small business, why it is important to do business with small business, and on the importance of sticking together as small business owners.

Since I run my own small business solo, I was happy to see that my piece Thinking of Starting a Small Business of One?  6 Tips to Help You Succeed” also struck a chord with many of you.

I shared tips that address issues especially important when you are a “solopreneuer”.  Topics like dealing with having all the responsibility on your own shoulders and ways to combat loneliness.  Avoiding burnout and fatigue are also key.  

Blogging was also a topic of interest in 2015.  

Many small businesses have started, or are thinking about starting, a blog.  Two of my most popular articles this past year dealt with tips to help.

Easy to Use Blogging Tools!

There is no way around it ~ as a Small business owner, you are busy.  Anytime you can find something that will help you streamline your tasks, it is welcome.  I think that is why my article,“13 Tools That Revolutionized My Blog”, really resonated with you.

The criteria in compiling this list was that these tools increase my blog reach and interaction and, most importantly, they must be easy to use!

I outline blogging tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Canva.  All have made my business blog much easier to manage and more successful.  I think they will work for you too!

Once you get your business blog going, it is important that you find ways to grow your readers and reach.  

In “2 Smart Things You can do to Increase Your Blog Audience”, I explore the benefits of Guest and Collaborative Blogging; 

Each gives you a new avenue to share your content and the content of others.  The power of numbers also helps you reach an extended audience that may not have come across your posts through your regular channels.”

Both can be fantastic in building quality connections, brand value, and even increasing your business.

Along with a growing business, there comes a time when you need to think about hiring to both cover your workload and help grow your business even more.

However, if you want top talent, you will be competing not only with other small businesses but also big business.

That is why when you are ready to hire, you need to know how to “sell” the benefits of working for a small business.  

Why Work for Small Business

You will find them in my next top blog article; “4 Reasons Why Job Seekers Will Want to Work for Your Small Business” 

Your goal should be to show how working for a Small Business can offer a job seeker something different. 

By its nature, “a small business atmosphere is more hands-on and close knit. Employees have a much more tangible stake in the success of the company and often have a chance for greater input.  Even flexibility of work hours,  telecommuting, and promotions are often part of the small business culture”.

This flexibility, the opportunity to add quality skills and responsibilities to their resume, and a feeling of partnership in your success are definite draws to working in a Small Business.

I also spent a lot of time writing about issues that impact small business hiring and background checks.  It is only fitting then that these types of posts are represented in the most popular list!

My number one top story in 2015 was5 Smart Reasons to Outsource Your Background Checks”.  

When it comes time for small business owners to hire, some choose to try and go it alone.  Many believe this is the best way to save time and money.  

However, both for your company safety and your bottom line, it makes sense to outsource your background checks.  In fact, “Outsourcing your background check needs to a professional is your best bet.  Their experience and knowledge will actually save you time and money, letting you focus on other important aspects of your business”.

The top 5 reasons this makes sense for your Small Business:

Small Business Hiring Tips

This article also struck a chord with you, my readers.  In “Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal”, I focused on my belief in second chances and how that can be reconciled with the need to screen your hires.

The key is to “balance cautiousness with fairness”.  It is our job as small business owners and background check professionals to “read our findings and determine whether the subjects would really pose a danger to the company or our other employees and customers”.

Asking yourself these 4 questions will help:

Small Business Background Checks & Hiring

As with anything, I always believe that it is best to go in with your eyes wide open ~ Knowledge is Power!

Another of my most popular articles tackled the subject of criminal background checks.  Many times employers are unsure of exactly what to check and why.

In “Be Smart, Why You Need to Do More than Just a State Criminal Check”, I answered those questions about criminal record checks.  

Realizing that not all background checks are created equal is a start. It is also crucial you recognize that limiting your investigation to the state level is unwise.  

Instead, combining a state criminal check with one done at the county level is your best bet.  Read this article to find out more!

The final article to make the list focuses on credit checks and employment; “Are Employment Credit Checks the New ‘Ban the Box’?  What You Need to Know”. 

My belief is that credit checks should rarely be considered in your employment decisions (the sole exception is when they are required by law).

This is often not a popular opinion among my screening peers.  But I stand by it, and I think this resonated in my post and earned it a spot on this list.  

“While there will be continued debate on the issue, curbing the use of credit checks in making employment decisions seems wise.  The economy and job picture has put many in our country in precarious situations.  Further penalizing them by limiting their job prospects is counter-productive.

Filling and creating more jobs to help people get their lives back in order will do more for our country than putting more obstacles in their way.  I believe that every employer has the right and obligation to hire wisely, but relying on credit checks to make those decisions is not the answer.”

And I think many of you agreed!

That concludes another year of blogging.  It is hard to believe that 2015 has come and gone. But I am excited to find new and interesting topics to share in 2016!

Thanks to you all for your support and continuing interest.  I could never have done it without you! 

Happy 2016!

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If you have any small business topics you would like to see covered, please Contact Me Now and let me know.  I will cover them this year.  

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