Sunday, May 31, 2015

Need Help Around Your Home? What You Should Know Before You Hire!

Hiring #HomeContractors

Summer is fast approaching.  Many of us are looking for ways to improve our homes or just hoping to keep up with the endless tasks home ownership brings.

You may be looking to hire someone to build a new deck, update your kitchen, or even a company to cut your lawn.  Whatever the case may be, hiring someone blindly is never in your best interest!

Word of Mouth is the top way many of us find a company to hire. A glowing recommendation from someone we know definitely carries a lot of weight.  After all, it is much easier to trust a company that a friend or relative has used and loves. 

But You shouldn’t stop there.  Instead, make sure you do your homework. Asking the right questions of any company you are considering is the best start.  Doing this will give you the peace of mind you need to hire the perfect company for you.  

10 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring Help Around Your Home “Tweet This”

How Long Have You Been in Business?

It is not important that a company has been in business any set number of years, but having the experience necessary to do the job is.

If you decide to take a chance on a relatively new company, you can benefit from their eagerness to put their company on the map and from their possible willingness to negotiate price.

And while a new company may have a lot to offer, when a company has been able to stay in business, they are usually doing something right.  In most cases they also have a wider range of references and skills to bring to the table. 

Do You Have Insurance?

It is important that they have these 2 types:

  1. Insurance to cover their employees (in case they get hurt on the job).
  2. Insurance to cover any damages or repairs that they may cause while in your home.

Not having insurance can put you in the position of being liable for mishaps and accidents that occur, even if they are the fault of the company you hire.

Are You Registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

This is an easy way to check to see if there have been any complaints filed against the company.  It is also possible to find out how these issues were handled and if they were rectified satisfactorily.

While it is not uncommon for a business to have a complaint or two, too many should be a red flag.

Have You Ever Been Sued by a Client or have You Filed a Suit Against a Client?

Being a party to a civil suit should not be an automatic deal breaker, but you definitely have the right to know.  No matter what their answer, be sure to verify the information!  Lying about past suits is not the best way to start a business relationship.  

And Don’t let the background check stop there.  Ask these 2 additional questions:

Are You Licensed? 

If your state requires a license for the type of work you want done, check that it is up to date and valid. 

Do You Have References?

Ask for and and be sure to check a list of references.  Any reputable company should have no trouble providing you with one.  

Make sure to contact each reference and ask questions about the company’s work habits (did they show up on time, work a full day, clean up after themselves), did the job come in on budget and on time, and be sure to ask whether they would hire them again! 

If possible, try to visit a current work site.  It is a great way to find out first hand how they work!

You can try and do all of this yourself or hire a background check company to help.  Either way, forewarned is forearmed.

Find out more about doing Background Checks here!

Are You willing to Sign a Contract?

A written contract is an important piece of protection for both you and the company/person you hire.

A Good Contract Includes:

Make sure the contract is signed and dated by all parties and that each of you has a copy.

What are Your Payment Terms?

Different companies have different preferences when it comes to being paid.  Make sure you both agree on the terms and make it a part of your signed contract.

But no matter what schedule you agree to, it is never wise to pay for everything up front.  Pre-set, periodic payments that coincide with agreed upon standards of completion are key.  

What is Your Work Schedule?

Being clear on exactly when they will show up and how long they will be there each day is important.  You will even want to know what to expect as far as lunch breaks or other possible breaks in the work schedule.

How are Your Workers Managed on Site?

Is there always a senior person on site responsible for the workers? It is important that you know someone is responsible to ensure they are making progress and doing the work to the standards agreed upon.  It will also help to know who you can address if you have any questions or concerns.

So, the next time you need something done around your home, take extra care to know all you can about the company before you hire.  Doing some work beforehand can save you from what could turn out to be a costly mistake.

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Before You Hire Someone for Your Home Improvements, Contact Me!  I can Answer Your Questions and Find Out What You Need to Know!  You can reach me through the “Contact” page on my Website.  While there, take a look at my “About” and “Services” pages to find out more about Why and What I do!

Let’s Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest too!

Monday, May 25, 2015

3 Top Reasons Why You Should be Paying Your Interns

As summer approaches, finding an internship is on the minds of many students and even new grads.  While each may be looking for different things from their experience, there are a couple things that all interns are looking for.

Finding an internship that will further their career is a top priority. The chance to gain valuable, marketable skills is often the main reason for wanting an internship in the first place.  

Other factors may include increasing their professional network, exploring something new, or simply testing the professional waters.

But no matter what the ultimate goal, those looking for internships all value one additional thing ~ getting paid for their work!

While many internships in the past did not pay, recent litigation arguing that the work provided by interns goes beyond the “learning” experience is forcing companies to rethink their position of interns as “free labor”.

Even the promise of gaining college credits is not enough.  Interns are increasingly demanding to be paid for their work.

While it is obvious that earning money is in the best interests of your interns, I argue that paying them is also in the best interest of your company!

3 Reasons Why Paying Your Interns is Good Business!  “Tweet This”

  • A Paying Internship will Attract a Larger Number of Quality Interns

One of the main problems with unpaid internships is that despite the incentive of increasing their experience, many need the money. Most college students and graduates are in debt.  They simply can’t afford to work for nothing.  

Their options are to forgo applying for your internship in favor of one that pays, applying for your internship and taking a paying part-time job to make ends meet, or deciding to avoid interning at all and find a paid position.

When you opt to pay your interns, your internship will become much more attractive.  This will ultimately increase your applicants and provide you with a wider range of talented applicants from which to choose.

  • Paying Your Interns Helps Protect You from Possible Litigation

An increasing number of unpaid interns have been successful in suing the companies that hired them.  Citing unfair labor practices, these interns have not only won their suits, but the companies have suffered unwanted negative publicity.

The Department of Labor has strict guidelines as to what differentiates an internship from a paid position.  An unpaid internship should be designed to provide “educational training” for the intern, without any actual benefit to the employer.  However, having interns perform duties that paid employees are doing or should be doing, is essentially having them work for free.

This is in direct violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which requires all workers be paid at least minimum wage. Therefore, if your internship is not first and foremost a learning experience, your interns deserve to be paid.

According to the FLSA, these 6 guidelines must be followed if an internship is to be unpaid;

1.  The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment.

2.  The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern.

3.  The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff.

4.  The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded.

5.  The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship.

6.  The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.

Photo by Roy McMahon/Corbis

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that the original purpose of an internship is to provide “educational training” and not to have interns do the work of traditional paid employees.  In the real world, this distinction can be very hard to accomplish.

To avoid potential legal problems, it just makes good business sense to Pay Your Interns.

  • Pay Equals Professionalism

For Interns ~ Pay Equals Professionalism!  

This is my Top Reason Why Paying Your Interns Makes Sense!

An intern that gets paid will take their internship more seriously. There is a fundamental feeling of satisfaction and professionalism that comes with getting paid for your work.  This is part of the experience an intern craves.  

In contrast, an unpaid intern may feel like nothing more than an observer instead of an active and important part of your team. They may feel “less than” and will be hesitant to jump in and offer their insights or even ask questions.

Paying your interns will also give them a better feeling about you and your company.  And this bodes well in the event you want to hire your best interns now or in the future.
The Bottom Line - Getting Paid will give Your Intern more confidence and a better stake in both the internship and your company! 

As a bonus, here is my Final Word on Hiring Interns...

Don’t Skip the Background Check!

You may question whether a background check is necessary on such a “temp” employee.

“To determine that, it is best to take a look at what your intern will be doing during their time with your company.  

Do they have access to proprietary or sensitive client information? Will they handle company funds or other valuable assets?  Do they come in contact with children, the elderly, or other vulnerable individuals?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then screening potential interns is wise.”  

excerpt from “Hiring an Intern?  Don’t Skip the Background Check”.

Interns & Background Checks

Hiring Interns can, and should be, a positive experience for both You and Your Intern.  You will gain first hand knowledge of what these young people have to offer.  Your Intern will gain professional experience and the opportunity to put what they have learned to good use.

Find more about the benefits of hiring interns and other temp employees for your Small Business here.

Paying Your Interns will only elevate the experience to both of You. And this just makes Good Business Sense!

Please “Pay It Forward” and Share this article!  Thanks!

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I can Help You Hire the best Interns and Full-Time Employees for Your Small Business.  Contact me with Questions or for a Free Consultation through my website and “Contact” Page.  You can also learn more about what I do and “why” on my “Services” and “About” page!

Let’s Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ too!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Attention New Grads! What You need to Do to Land Your First Job!

Graduation brings with it a load of mixed feelings.  Excitement as you get ready to go out into the “real world”, relief that all your hard work has paid off, and uncertainty as to what comes next.

If you are lucky enough to have already been hired for that first job, then your future might not look as puzzling.

However if, like many, you have either not landed the job you want or are still looking, then read on!

Attention New Grads ~ Landing Your First Job takes Work!  “Tweet This”

You will have to approach finding a job much like you did preparing for exams.  Preparation, studying, and a great mind set are what will get you through.

10 Tips to Help You Get Hired "Tweet This"

  • Make sure your Resume is “Background Check Ready”.  

There is no point in applying for any job until all the information listed in your resume is accurate and highlights your skills and goals.  The majority of employers will do some type of background check before making a final hiring decision.  It is in your best interest that there are no “red flags” that can keep you from getting the job.

For more tips on getting your resume ready, click here!  

Remember, the key to any good resume is to make sure it is first and foremost a way to market You to your new employer. And starting with any kind of discrepancies is not the way to go!

  • Clean Up or Create Your Professional Online Presence

Do your social media sites portray you in a good light?  Before you even apply, be sure to take the time to give them a good, hard look. Remove anything questionable that could result in a bad impression of you.  

Are you on LinkedIn?  This social network is a must for creating a professional persona.  Create a profile that is not simply a list of your credentials.  Make it interesting!  Put the focus on sharing “you”, what makes you unique, and what drives you (there are a lot of great tips out there to make your LI profile shine).  And don’t forget Twitter and Facebook too! 

Bottom line, Employers are bound to look!  So make sure your social profiles are up to par!

  • Focus Your Job search - but not too narrowly!

Only applying for jobs that fit you exactly, or throwing your net too wide, are both not the way to get the job you want.  And in the end, neither will work.

Instead, create a job search strategy that keeps in mind your goals, skills, and interests.  No one job may fit them all.   But, as long as you are focused on finding something where you can explore your interests and where you can contribute, you will be adding something valuable to your professional work experience. 

  • Use Your Connections 

You may not think you have any, but think again.  Did you have any summer jobs or internships?  A former supervisor might be the perfect person to help you meet someone who can help you find a job.  

How about reaching out to your family or friends?  Let them know you are looking to start your career and they may have some suggestions.

And don’t forget your university’s Alumni network.  Many universities forge strong connections among their Alumni.  Join and stay active.  

  • Don’t be afraid to get out and network!  

Seek out local professional associations and attend networking events.  Be ready to tell people what you do (or want to do) and what you have done to get yourself ready.  But don’t forget to listen first!  Going in with a pitch without showing a genuine interest in others will put people off.

Act professionally at all times.  If you are uncomfortable, work beforehand on making eye contact and having strong handshake.  And a smile never hurts!  You never know when you will meet someone who could be a potential employer or who knows someone who needs a hire just like you!

  • Research Companies Before You Apply

Do your homework.  Check out their company website.  Make sure you understand their “brand”, how they started, and what they do. Find them on LinkedIn and other social networks.  Be sure to “Google” them and read what kind of info/news is out there about them. 

They will be screening you, and you need to do the same.  Any information you find will  also help you prepare for your interview. Learning all you can about your target companies just makes sense.

  • Pay Attention to Application “Rules”

Many jobs you apply for will require online applications.  Be sure to follow all instructions carefully ~ remember, this will often be their first impression!

But no matter what method they use to collect their applications, in all cases you need to pay close attention to neatness, spelling, clarity, and legibility.  Losing out on a possible interview due to sloppiness or an incomplete application will not get you the interview you need.

  • Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Thank You

If you are lucky enough to be called in for an interview, then you know that they are at least interested in what they have seen on your resume/application.  The interview will just be the next step in finding out if you are a good fit.  This is where your company research will come in handy.

Be sure to be ready with tangible examples of problems you have solved, what you have learned, and why you want to work for them.  Making sure they understand what you will bring to their company is important.

But no matter how well the interview went, it can all be erased unless you remember the Power of a Thank You!

Not only should you thank them in person on the day of the interview, you need to follow up with a thank you email to anyone who you met with throughout the day.  (Although I love hand written notes, they simply take too long to arrive).  

Be sure to express your thanks to them for taking the time to meet with you.  It is also a good idea to personalize each thank you with any specifics you may have discussed during your interview. Making them more “personal” can go a long way in making a good impression.


  • Consider Continuing Your Education (Grad School), Taking an Internship, or Volunteering.

If you are still not getting anywhere in finding a job, then you may have to consider some alternatives.

If you believe grad school is in your future, then take a look at some programs that will further your professional skills.  In fact, it is sometimes easier to simply continue on and complete the education you need before getting a job.  You are still comfortable with studying, exams, and all the other things that go along with going to school. 

And if you haven’t already had an internship, it is not too late to find one.  This can be a great way to increase your “real world” skills and extend your connections.

Do You Volunteer?  Now can be the perfect time to start.  Not only will it make you more invested in your community, it is a valuable addition to any resume.

  • Be Patient

Don’t get discouraged.  It will take time to land your first job, or even to get an interview.  This is not a reflection on you.  Just stay focused on being positive.

Most new grads and job seekers will apply for dozens of jobs and many will never even receive a response.  Remember, everyone goes through it and we all had to start somewhere.

I will close with an excerpt from an article I wrote for LinkedIn.  LI had charged bloggers to weigh in with our advice for new grads.

From “What I Wish I Knew When I was 22”;

“Not knowing what you really want to be or how to get there is not the end of the world.  The key is to never stop learning about yourself and the world around you.

That is where you will find your passion and your purpose.

If I have one regret, it is suffering many angst filled days because I thought I needed to have my life plan in place.  I always believed that graduating from college meant I would be on my way.

When that didn’t happen, the best thing I ever did was to leave myself open to new experiences.”

Remember, this is an exciting part of your life.  Enjoy it!  You are embarking on a new journey that is filled with twists and turns, and you don’t have to have all the answers at once.  

And You shouldn’t want it any other way!  Good Luck!

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Do You Need more information on how you can get Your Resume “Background Check Ready” or on making sure your employment screening does not uncover any “Red Flags”?  You can reach me through my website and find out more about me by checking out my “About” and “Services” pages!
Let’s Connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ too!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

2 Smart Things You Can Do to Increase Your Blog Audience

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you will know the value I place on business blogging.  I have shared with you the benefits and even some tips on how to make your blogging easier.

(You can find out more about those benefits and tips here and here).

Those of you who have taken my advice, should now find Blogging a part of your regular schedule.  You have committed yourself to writing a set number of articles each week, month, or at whatever interval that makes sense for you.   

You have also found ways to get your articles out there through your social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

Now it is time to take your blogging to the next level.  It is time to explore Collaborative and Guest Blogging!

Guest blogging is when you feature articles written by others on your own blog or you share your articles on another’s blog.  In each case, the author is given full credit for their work and links back to their blog are included.

Another option You can explore is starting a Collaborative Blog!

A Collaborative blog differs from a traditional blog in that there is not necessarily one “main” author.  Here there is a group of bloggers that contribute regularly scheduled content to their shared blog.

Most times there is a pre-determined schedule for when each is to submit an article and even an agreed upon set of topics or focus.

There are great benefits to both.  Each gives you a new avenue to share your content and the content of others.  The power of numbers also helps you reach an extended audience that may not have come across your posts through your regular channels.

Both can be fantastic in building quality connections, brand value, and even increasing your business.

Grow Your Blog Audience with Guest & Collaborative Blogging!  “Tweet This”

Collaborative & Guest Blogging will Help You:

  • Become an Expert

One of the main reasons to start a blog in the first place is to share your knowledge.  Whatever your field, if you provide quality content, your expertise will shine.

The same is true about sharing quality guest posts and Collaborative Blogging.  You should only accept those articles that are in line with your blog’s core purpose.

In deciding on which bloggers are right for you, make sure their writing styles and core values match or complement your own.  It is important to remember that you need a consistent “voice” for your blog.

For example, my blog’s focus is on Small Business issues and tips. To that end, I would only feature articles that did the same.  This makes sense.  

In the end, it is all about sharing the best possible content with your readers that aligns with your blogging goals.   

  • Increase Your Audience

Guest blogging will increase your chances of getting noticed, more than you could probably accomplish with your solo blog.  Each new contributor brings with them their own readers and social site connections.  The key here is to make sure your guest bloggers share the content they post on your site just as they would post articles from their own blog.  

Much like with Guest blogging, by its nature, a Collaborative blog allows you to also reach a much wider audience.  And because each member has a vested interest in the success of your collaborative blog, they are more likely to actively share any new posts on their own social networks. 

I recently discovered a tangible example of my own blog’s reach.  I had joined my husband at one of his business meetings.  While I have done this often, this time we were having dinner with quite a few people I had never met.

Over the course of the dinner, I mentioned my name and my company’s name.  One of the guests said, “I know you.  You write that blog I read on LinkedIn”!  All of a sudden, I found myself fielding questions on what I do from the other guests. 
Imagine the increase in the possibility of something like this happening if your blog is shared on a wider scope!

  • Build Strong Relationships 

This is one of my favorite aspects of Guest & Collaborative Blogging.  On one hand, I get the opportunity to connect with other bloggers who share my interests.  On the other, I get to forge relationships with new readers.

But as anyone who has done anything on social media knows, you have to be in it for the long haul.  You have to earn your success here.  It takes time to build the strong relationships you want.  Be patient and work hard.

  • Reach Potential Clients and Business Partners

This is why the quality of your posts really matters.  By focusing on sharing top-notch information, you will have the greatest chance building a strong reputation and reaching potential clients and customers. 

By setting yourself up as the “go to” person in your field, you are more likely to come to mind when they need the type of services you offer.  And, after all, the success of your business should be your ultimate goal.

While these benefits can be found through both Guest and Collaborative Blogging, there are some that are unique to a Collaborative Blog.  

A Collaborative Blog will:

  • Lessen Your Blogging Workload

You can realize this benefit much more easily through a Collaborative Blog than with a Guest Blog.  With a Collaborative blog, you will achieve a more frequent and consistent posting schedule without having to write more yourself.

For example, I have found that with my “real work” schedule, it is only feasible for me to write one new article each week.  Through a collaborative blog, it would be possible to get more posts “out there” despite my busy schedule.  It is also a great way to keep a fresh online presence even when taking a well-deserved vacation!

  • Allow You to Cover more Topics of Interest

You can’t be an expert at everything.  We all have areas where we are more comfortable in sharing our level of knowledge than in others.

With a collaborative blog, you will have greater access to more knowledge that you could ever hope to have on your own.  In fact, the goal in setting up your collaborative group should be to include those that are experts on things that you aren’t ~ while still keeping in mind the needs and interests of your audience.

This varied skill set will also give your readers the “fresh” information they crave.  In addition, it will ease the burden on you of having to come up with new topics on your own!

  • Increase Your Reach and Exposure on a Regular Basis

This is where setting up a posting schedule really helps.  If done right, with a Collaborative Blog there will never be any lulls or gaps in your publishing of new posts.  Articles will go out a regular basis.  The value here is that your readers will know when to expect new posts and will come to anticipate them.  

Although there are very real benefits to using Guest and Collaborative blogging, that does not mean that there is no value in your traditional blog.  It is still possible to accomplish your goals even when you carry the entire load.

But if you are looking for a way to enhance what you are already doing, then it is time to look into what Guest and Collaborative blogging can do for you.  You may find it to be the perfect way to provide your readers with a variety of content and reach a wider audience ~ all while taking some of the weight off your own shoulders.

Now is the time for You to take the leap into Guest and Collaborative Blogging.

What are You waiting for?  

Calling All Bloggers ~ If you are interested in finding out more about blogging for your Small Business, OR if you would like to be a Guest Blogger on my blog, Contact Me Now!

Please Spread the Word.  I invite you to Share This and Leave a Comment.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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Find out more about what I do on my site's "About" & "Services" Pages! .  
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Friday, May 1, 2015

5 Truths about Small Business

In honor of all our Small Businesses, I take a look at how Small Business has become an integral part of who we are and what we do as a nation.....

Believe in the Power of Small Business!  “Tweet This”

From the Solopreneur who bravely follows their calling to start their own business, to the “Main Street” shop that provides us with quality goods and services ~ each is an important part of the Small Business revolution.

As a nation, we have increasingly recognized the value that Small Businesses bring to our economy and to our communities.  We promote the need to “Shop Small” not just by our words, but by our actions.  We have begun to patronize our local businesses in larger numbers than ever before.

I have even focused both my own company and my blog on the needs of small businesses.  

And while every small business is different, there are still things that hold true across the board.

5 Truths about Small Business:

  • We can Learn a lot by Running a Small Business

Through the journey of entrepreneurship, I have learned a lot not just about running my own business, but also about myself.

I have come to recognize that it is not possible for me to do everything, I understand the necessity to have a good budget, I believe in the importance of building relationships before “selling”, and I know that I love what I do!

You can read more of my Small Business “life lessons” here.

  • We Should Do Business With Small Business

Doing Business with Small Business is Smart Business”!
(from “Why You Should Do Business with Small Business”)

Shopping for goods and using the services of Small Business has many benefits.  You will find:

Great Customer Service ~ Both owners and employees are much more invested in the success of the business and are more apt to treat you well as a result.

Commitment to Quality ~ They really want and need your business.  To that end, a small business is dedicated to providing you with the best of what they can offer. 

Pride ~ There is a sense of pride and accomplishment in having your own business, and that pride is reflected throughout all aspects of their business.

Sense of Community ~ Small businesses are focused on becoming active members of their community.  Many will become involved in and even sponsor local events.

Specialized Goods & Services ~ Many owners start their small business to fill a void left by larger companies.  They will find a niche that separates them from big business, and this benefits their customers.

  • Small Businesses Need to Help Small Businesses

We need to band together.  “By joining with other small businesses, we can pool our resources, our knowledge, and our experiences to create a powerful community.  We need to see ourselves as partners working toward a common goal.”  

From my article, “Small Businesses Need to Help Small Businesses ~ What You Can Do”.   

We should “Join Up”.  There is power in numbers.  We can form and join local small business groups to develop strong and collaborative relationships with our fellow entrepreneurs.

We should Share Our Knowledge.  By sharing our skills and knowledge with other small business owners, we are not only helping them succeed but helping ourselves by becoming more invested in our community.

We should “Shop Small”.  Our goal should be to do business with other small businesses.  We need to “walk the talk”!

  • Shopping Local Helps Small Business and the Environment

By shopping local, we use less fuel to buy our goods and services and we cut down on the pricier packaging of nationally sold goods ~ all while keeping our money “in town”.

Shopping Local also helps our environment by increasing the success of local farmers and manufacturers.  Keeping these farmers in business means better access to locally, and often organically, grown produce.  Frequenting small manufacturers also means we can buy products that are made and sold right in our own communities.  

Read more in "Save Our Environment ~ Shop Local!".

  • Small Businesses Can’t Ignore the Need to Protect Themselves

Being small does not mean we are immune to the problems that can plague bigger businesses.  And this includes the dangers that come from not knowing enough about who we hire!

As a Small business owner, we need to recognize the position we put ourselves in when we don’t screen our employees.  We may think it is unnecessary because we hire “people we know” or that a Background Check is “too expensive” for our budget.  

In reality, “Using Background Checks is actually a cost-effective and sound business strategy for any Small Business”.  

Using background checks as part of your hiring process is actually more important for small businesses.  Our limited time and budget are only the start.  

Screening Your Employees Will:  

  1. Save You Money. 
  2. Protect You from an Unsafe Hire.
  3. Help you avoid costly litigation.
  4. Safeguard Your Company’s Reputation.

Find out more in my article “4 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need to Use Background Checks”.

The importance and strength of Small Business is not to be denied. We provide jobs in our communities, offer quality products and services, and are committed to bettering the neighborhood around us.

What could be better reasons to “Shop Small”?

Keep the Small Business movement going! Share this article and leave a comment on what You do to “Shop Small”. Thanks!

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I would love to help Your Small Business!  Contact Me Now 
for a free consultation.  

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