Showing posts with label Giving thanks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giving thanks. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2022

It's a Time for Giving Thanks...

It’s the Time of Year for Giving Thanks…

While we believe in being thankful each and every day, this time of year we want to take a moment to give special thanks to those that go above and beyond to bless our lives and give it meaning.

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

We give thanks to…

Our Family ~ Your love and support encourages and strengthens us. We wouldn’t want to live this life surrounded by anyone else. Simply put, you bring us immeasurable Joy!

Our Friends ~  You are always there to listen, sympathize, and celebrate with us every step of the way! We truly thank you!

Our Colleagues and Business Friends ~ You are there whenever we need advice or someone to listen. Your support helped us through many trying times. We are grateful to you beyond measure.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend”  Melody Beattie

Our Clients ~ Without you, we would be nothing. We appreciate your loyalty more than you will ever know. We are forever grateful!

Without each and every one of you in our corner, we would never have been able to keep this business going for 26 years! We are blessed.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words but to live by them”

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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Friday, November 19, 2021

It’s Time to Remember and Give Thanks!

We are Thankful!

The older we get the more we find that with the holidays comes reflection. We remember past celebrations and the people we shared them with. We cherish the present for the chance to get together with family and friends, keep up holiday traditions, and create new ones. And we also find ourselves looking forward to what future holidays hold.

And this Thanksgiving is no different.

We are busily prepping our home to welcome out of town family and planning our dinner that will feature family favorites and some new dishes to try. And despite being exhausting, we are thankful for all of it.

But our gratitude and reflection doesn’t end there. At API, we are also truly thankful for our wonderful clients and our small business friends. 

Without your patronage and support we could not have weathered all the recent uncertainties or been able to run our business for the past 25 years! 

We don’t take your loyalty lightly and we will be forever grateful!

So, from the bottom of our hearts…..We wish you and yours a wonderful holiday filled with hope, happiness, family, and friends.

To all our Small Business friends and followers…..What are you especially thankful for this year? Please share by commenting below! We would love to hear from you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

This Year most of all...We Give Thanks!


"Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter what befalls us in life, we can take the charred remnants and we can reconstruct a life unimaginably richer than that from which the shards and pieces fell." — Craig D. Lounsbrough

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a rough year. 

We continue to face a pandemic unlike anything we have ever seen in our lifetime. It has caused us to re-think how, and even if, we do things we used to take for granted ~ enjoy large family gatherings, go on impromptu trips and shopping excursions, and so much more.

We have also witnessed civil unrest, distrust in our institutions and leaders, and a nation often greatly divided. 

This has left many of us uneasy, saddened, and even afraid.

But no matter what we have endured, we need to remember the importance of looking past the negative and changing our mind-set. That means taking the time to recognize and cherish all we really do have and Give Thanks!

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.” — Tecumseh

Being thankful, grateful, and happy is often a choice, and it can be a difficult one. We often find ourselves dwelling on all we have lost and find ourselves unable to see what we still have. Keeping focus on what really matters ~ family, friends and neighbors, and even our businesses or professions ~ makes all the difference.

And when we take the time to focus on what we truly have, we know we are blessed.

We have loving and giving family and friends. Even if our connection is now often virtual, we know we are always there for each other to lend support and a laugh. We feel fortunate that our needs are met, much more often than not. 

We are also extremely thankful that our small business has been able to hold on and our clients are standing by us. That means so much to us and for that, and so much more, we will always be eternally grateful.

So, while things are certainly different, and often difficult, we can rejoice and be thankful.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." — Melody Beattie

We hope that each of you can feel thankfulness and gratitude this year and each and every one to come. Remember, no matter what…..There is always, always something to be thankful for!

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Do You Know What You are Thankful For?

What are You Thankful for?

Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays always makes me reflective.

I think about how quickly the end of the year is approaching and I take stock on me, my family, and my business.

And while I always find some areas where I would like improvement (and more often than I care to admit they are mainly about me!), I am also aware of how truly thankful I am. My thanks extends well beyond what I physically have, and falls more squarely on the wonderful group of people in my life!

This past year has been rough.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer in the late spring and I was rocked. Suddenly everything else was put on the back burner and she became my primary focus.

Our days consisted of doctor’s appointments, treatments, and worry. It was a whirlwind.

I am happy to say that her prognosis is now good and she is solely in recovery mode!

But despite the stress, this experience has reinforced with me, and the rest of my family, what is truly important……that each and every day is a gift, not a certainty. And, most of all, how important it is to take time to appreciate the people around you.

For that, I am truly thankful!

And I know I am lucky to have so many different wonderful people in my life.

I am Thankful for ~

My Husband ~ we have been together for almost 37 years (most of my life!). He is my love, my friend, and my partner in everything. I couldn’t ask for more.

My Children ~ who have each found their own happiness and reasons to give thanks. They have been a continual sense of wonder to me for the kind of people they are now and for the adventures yet to come. 

My Family ~ who have been, and always will be, there for me as I am for them. You can choose your friends, but your family is your family. And I am lucky!

My Friends ~ They make me laugh, offer support, and are always there for a quick chat or an evening out. I am fortunate enough to have some of the best!

My Business Friends ~ They are my “go to” when I need a pep talk, some advice, or a sanity check. I am also grateful to the ones who practice “paying it forward” and recommend me to their other business friends. To them I say a big “Thank You”! 

My Clients ~ I appreciate their business and, most of all, their loyalty. I am grateful to have had some of them since I started my business and I don’t take that for granted! And I am also thankful for the new clients that have recently come my way. I hope to provide you with the quality of service and attention that will keep you coming back for years to come.

And, finally, I thank you, My Readers ~ Your interest and feedback have been invaluable. It has been hard during this past year to find the energy and time to get the writing in. But you have kept me going. For that I am continually grateful.

 To honor those that have done so much for me, I try to practice “paying it forward” myself whenever possible. I believe there is no greater gift than to give back. Helping others in even the smallest way can have a big impact. Try it and you will see what I mean.

While I am thankful for so much from so many, I can only hope that I give to all of you as much as you give to me!

So, during this season of thanks, I hope you can find, even in your darkest times, something to be truly grateful for.

That feeling is what keeps each of us going and gives us hope for the future. And, truly, nothing is more important than that!

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I also invite you to Subscribe to our Blog for one new article each week with tips and news to help You and Your Business succeed! Thanks!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Do You Know What You are Truly Thankful For?

Created by Kim Kline, API

The holidays make many of us reflective. We look back on what has already happened, and dream about what is still to come.

We also take the time to really appreciate the people around us who make our lives worthwhile.  

And that is just as true for Small Business owners.
We all know what it has taken us to get where we are, and the many people along the way who have encouraged, supported, and guided us in achieving our goals.

The truth is……
No one achieves Success completely Alone!  

So in the spirit of the season, we are sharing the people and things that we are truly thankful for!

Do You Know What You are Truly Thankful For?  “Tweet This”

First and foremost, I am grateful for my family. 
They have always been supportive and loving. They keep me as close to “sane” as I can possibly be and their sense of humor often makes even bad days so much better.

And my husband is at the top of my list! He always believes in me ~ even when I am having a hard time believing in myself. I will forever be thankful to him for this!

My family is also my rock whenever things go crazy. Without them, I never could have survived all that life has thrown at me. Personal obstacles like breast cancer, major back surgery, and the death of my father were only manageable because of them.

The same goes for the trials of starting and running a small business! From the beginning, even when I had partners, my family was in my corner. And when I decided to go it completely alone, they were there for me more than ever before.

They are the reason why I get up each morning and try to do my best every day. My family keeps my inner light glowing with purpose and love.

Created by Kim Kline, API

And my children are why I believe in the future.
They are mindful of the people and world around them. They are caring and empathetic. And they are fiercely loyal.         

Through them, and their own loved ones and friends, I see what is great about our country and our world. They make me believe that there are good things to come.

I am also truly thankful for my friends ~ both those I know in person and the ones I only “know” online.  
I am lucky enough be surrounded by a great group of friends who I can share laughs with and who have been there for me.  

Then there are others who I have connected with mainly through my business. These business friends are no less important.

All are good people ~ and I value them. 

Next, I am thankful for my business.   

I cherish the freedom to steer it in any direction I choose. I also know how lucky I am to be doing what I love ~ and how grateful I am that it is in the service of others.  

I love having the opportunity to use my business to pay it forward. Helping others achieve their own success is a great feeling. Whether it is working with them to find their best hire, or mentoring them in starting their own small business, I am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference. 

Created by Kim Kline, API

While there are surely more things I am thankful for that I can add to the list, it is these that I appreciate the most, each and every day. They make me grateful for the life I have now and the one to come. 

What are You Thankful For? Please Share them in the comment section below!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Giving Thanks!

This is the time of year when many of us take the time to get together and to give thanks. 

We plan gatherings with family and friends ~ everything from traditional Thanksgiving dinners to quick lunches ~ all in the hopes of connecting and spending quality time.

But no matter what we choose, the season inevitably stirs within us feelings of appreciation and thankfulness for all we have and all that we accomplish each and ever day.

At this time we would like to extend that gratitude to you ~  our clients, readers, and Social Media friends.

We feel truly blessed having connected with each of you and we appreciate your constant support. It has truly renewed our commitment to you and to our business.
Being Thankful Drives Us to Pay it Forward in our Small Business!  "Tweet This"

Most of all, it has given us the drive we need to start and end each day with a clear focus and a sense of purpose. For this we truly Give Thanks! 
Giving Back & Paying it Forward 
We know that many of you are pursuing your own success. You may even be small business owners yourselves. We are truly thankful for your encouragement as we pursue our own goals, and we are hopeful that you have felt the same encouragement from us. 

To this end, a large part of our gratitude has evolved into "Paying it Forward" in any way we can.  
At API, we actively use Social Media in support of others. We share blog articles and posts from other Small Businesses and, most importantly, We Shop Small ourselves! 

You can find out more about how we use our Small Business to Pay it Forward HERE! 

It is also been extremely gratifying to feel the camaraderie and support you each have shared. We can honestly say that we feel lucky and privileged. You are all wonderful and amazing people. 

Express Gratitude in Your Small Business
Our goal is to strive to live by these words from John F. Kennedy and put our gratitude and appreciation into action throughout the year.  You all deserve nothing less.  
If you would like to help spread our words of gratitude...Please Pay it Forward and Share this article! Thanks!

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Monday, November 24, 2014

I am Thankful....Revisited!

November is a time for many of us to take a moment and give thanks.  And what better way than for me to once again share my words of gratefulness with you.....

This time of year, you may gather family and friends around you for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or simply join them in watching our favorite football teams compete.

Whatever you choose, the season brings thoughts of get togethers and a feeling of thankfulness.

I would like to extend that gratitude to you ~ my clients, readers, and Social Media friends.

Despite being in business for many years, I have been feeling more successful than ever.  What is really special to me is that this success does not come solely from having a healthy bottom line.  

It comes from the feeling of being blessed to have connected with each of you.  You have all been extremely supportive of my efforts and it has renewed my commitment to you and to my business.

I start and end each day with a sense of purpose, and I am thankful.

I can honestly say that I feel lucky and privileged.  You are all wonderful and amazing people.  Many of you are pursuing your own success, and I admire your efforts.  I also hope you feel the same sense of encouragement from me that I feel from all of you.

It is also gratifying to feel the camaraderie you have all shared with me.  It will never be forgotten.

My goal is to strive to live by these words from John F. Kennedy and put my gratitude and appreciation into action throughout the year.   You all deserve nothing less.

In closing I leave you with these thoughts:

“Having an appreciation for how amazing the people around you are leads to good places ~ productive, fulfilling, peaceful places. So be happy for those who are making progress. Cheer for their victories. Be thankful for their blessings, openly. What goes around comes around, and sooner or later the people you're cheering for will start cheering for you.”     Unknown

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For more of my articles, please take a moment and subscribe to my blog, .  You will get one new article each week dedicated to Small Business!  You can also find more about what I do on my website, .

I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest too!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I am Thankful...........

November is a time for many of us to take time and give thanks.  We may gather family and friends around us for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or simply join them in watching our favorite football teams compete.

Whatever you choose, the season brings thoughts of get togethers and a feeling of thankfulness.

I would like to extend that gratitude to you ~ my clients, readers, and Social Media friends.

Despite being in business for almost 17 years, this past year has made me feel more successful than ever.  What is really special is that this success does not come solely from having a healthy bottom line.  

It comes from the feeling of being blessed to have connected with each of you.  You have all been extremely supportive of my efforts and it has renewed my commitment to you and to my business.

I start and end each day with a sense of purpose, and I am thankful.

I can honestly say that I feel lucky and privileged.  You are all wonderful and amazing people.  Many of you are pursuing your own success, and I admire your efforts.  I also hope you feel the same sense of encouragement from me that I feel from all of you.

It is also gratifying to feel the camaraderie you have all shared with me.  It will never be forgotten.

My goal is to strive to live by these words from John F. Kennedy and put my gratitude and appreciation into action throughout the year.   You all deserve nothing less.

In closing I leave you with these thoughts:

“Having an appreciation for how amazing the people around you are leads to good places ~ productive, fulfilling, peaceful places. So be happy for those who are making progress. Cheer for their victories. Be thankful for their blessings, openly. What goes around comes around, and sooner or later the people you're cheering for will start cheering for you.”     Unknown

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For more of my articles, please take a moment and subscribe to my blog.  You can also find more about what I do in my business, Access Profiles, Inc. on my website.

I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.

Thank you all!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day: We Remember!

We Remember their Sacrifice on Memorial Day!
In honor of this Memorial Day, we once again Give Thanks......

There can never be enough said about the ultimate sacrifice the men and women who died in service to our country, and their families, have made for us. Each of them gave their lives to fight for things we all believe in:
  • Belief in our Country as a Place of Opportunity
  • Belief in the Importance of Protecting our Rights and Freedoms 
  • Belief in the Right to Pursue our Dreams and Goals
It is these beliefs that are the bedrock of our nation. And by protecting them we can overcome any obstacles that come our way.

It is in times like these that these words from former President Bill Clinton have a deeper meaning than ever before, “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.” It is in this that we need to have faith.

At API, we believe that it is this outlook that drives us and many of our nation's small business owners. 

We operate with the hope and expectation that things will get better, no matter how difficult it may seem. But, most importantly, we are willing to work hard and do what is necessary to succeed.

Small Business Honors Those Who Serve! "Tweet This"

Small Business owners are extremely resilient. We will bounce back again and again in order to keep our dream alive. We believe it is an example we set for our children and a goal worth reaching for...and we are right.

It is in the spirit of Memorial Day that we, as Small Business owners, honor and respect what others have achieved before us and strive to continue the tradition.
So for this Memorial Day, and for many to come, we give our heartfelt thanks to all who have died for our country. They chose a hard path in order to allow us to live in a country of freedom, opportunity, and, most importantly, hope.....and it is in their sacrifice that we believe!
We conclude with these words from General George S. Patton:
It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.

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Also, be sure to visit our "About" and "Services" pages to find out more about what API can do to help Your Business. Thanks!