Sunday, July 1, 2018

What does Your Online Activity Say about You?

We are living in very interesting times. 
Our country seems to be divided over a multitude of issues, with no reconciliation in sight.

Everything from Minority Rights, Law Enforcement, COVID-19, our Government…and these just top the list… instigates arguments, even among friends.

And while healthy debate and peaceful protest have been, and we hope always will be, a vital part of who we are as a country and as people, somethings seem to be lost ~ namely our Humanity and Civility.

The fundamental differences between us are now cause for a growing amount of divisiveness and fear. Protests often lead to violence. Streets are blocked and people are accosting each other with words and actions, even to the point of destroying property and causing physical harm.

Although this behavior certainly is scary and troubling, the divisiveness is even more apparent online. 

Social Media is being used in a way that was never intended. Instead of hopping online to chat with our connections and see what they are up to, visit our favorite business pages, and even read an amusing meme or two, our feeds are filled with arguments, name-calling, and intolerance.

Each side in these arguments is so sure they are right that neither is interested in listening to anyone with a different point of view. Instead they will cite “facts” to support their cause, simply taking at face value anything that helps them prove their point and dismissing anything that doesn’t.

So, what used to be a way to stay connected with family and friends has now often become something mean spirited and a cause of anxiety.

Even more troubling is that being online seems to give many the illusion of being “anonymous”. This makes them feel a sense of freedom to say anything and everything they want without restraint.

Personally, much of what I see online just makes me sad.

I find myself blocking sites, and even certain people, simply because of the things they post. But, even more importantly, I worry about what this is all saying about us as people. 

Is what we see online showing us as a country filled with people who are caring, empathetic, proud, and kind? Or does it make us look mean-spirited, intolerant, and even dangerous?

Are you ready to ask yourself what your online activity is really saying about you?

Do You Know what Your Social “Likes” and Posts Reveal about You? "Tweet This"

If we take a hard look and are honest with ourselves, we may not like what we see. That is why it makes sense to practice this “4 Question Rule” when online. Before you post or “like” anything, ask yourself:
  1. Are you proud, interested, or entertained by what you are about to “like” or share?
  2. Will you continue to feel that way days ,weeks, or even years after you post it?
  3. Would you want your children or grandchildren to read what you post?
  4. Do you have real facts to back up what you are saying, or at least the conviction that it is meant to truly help others?
Only if I am satisfied with the answers will I then hit “like” or post it! My goal is to try to keep in mind what effect my posts will have on others and not go out of my way to hurt or truly offend anyone.

I believe what I post says a lot about me as a human being. It is a glimpse into my beliefs and values ~ and I want that picture to be a positive one.

And if you have a business or are looking for a job, what you post and the picture it paints can have even more of an impact!

Facebook “likes” can present a picture of who you are and what you think. Some things, like causes you believe in, you may want to share. While other things, like your politics, you may not.

While this may not mean much if you simply use Facebook to connect with friends, for those of you cultivating an online business presence, this can be more problematic.

The professional brand you build needs to be protected. Creating trust between yourself and your customers takes time. But it can take very little to lose it”, excerpt from “Ready to Improve Your Brand? Why You Need Think Before Clicking “Like”!

If You have a Business, keep this in mind ~ What you post can alienate existing or potential clients and it may even attract interest you never intended.  

If You are looking for a Job or Promotion, understand that your social posts  and activity may reveal information to a potential employer you don’t want them to know, things like your personal beliefs, party behavior, and more.

Read more about the power of your social media posts and “likes” here!

It is important to understand early the potential impact of our social posts on our image and future employment. We need to be aware that what we share online paints a picture of us ~ and our goal should be for that picture to be a positive one. 

That is why we need to start early. We must teach our children how to use social media responsibly.

This is especially important because of the increasing use of “Social Media Checks” in determining college entrance, employment, and even promotions.

This type of check is becoming a more common part of many background checks. Companies and colleges will search online for both positive and negative posts that could have an impact on their admittance or employment decisions.

Parents and young people should be aware that their social media posts will have an impact on how they are perceived. They can result in them being seen in either a positive or a negative light”, and that this can have an impact on their future.

Find out more in “What We Need to Do to Help Our Children Get Ready for College, the Job Market, and Background Checks”.

But remember, if what you are posting is in support of something you truly believe in, 
Go for It! 
That is when you should be ready and willing to Stand Up!

But posting something without any real truth to back it up, or simply in order to agitate or hurt others, is not only irresponsible, it is ignorant. When I post anything, I will I OWN IT ~ both personally and professionally!

It is up to us, as adults, to set a positive example. We all need to be more aware about what we share online and the impact that what we share may have on our image and on others.

Instead of using our social posts as a way to lash out and “prove” to others just how wrong they are, take the high road.
Why not simply practice a little civility?

Authored by   

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