Sunday, April 24, 2016

Employers Share ~ Lie on Your Resume and You Lose!

58% of Employers have Uncovered a Lie on a Resume*. 
Does this number surprise you?
And this percentage only reflects the lies that have been discovered. It says nothing about the ones that have gone unnoticed.

As landing a job becomes more and more competitive, some job seekers might believe that lying on their resume is worth the risk.
This is a big mistake! And employers agree!

Resume Lies Will Keep You From Getting Hired!  “Tweet This”

Be assured, employers are checking. Verifying the information on your resume is common practice and part of most company’s hiring processes. Investigating your education, past employments, and skills top the list. 

It is time to take note ~

When your resume lies are uncovered during the hiring process, you lose.  
And, if discovered later, you could face not only the embarrassment of getting fired, but also the possibility of public humiliation.

It has happened before. There have been cases where a resume lie resulted in more than just being fired. It also drew unwanted and, most certainly, negative publicity.  

Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our series on what happened when these 8 “Famous” people lied on their Resumes!

While it is unlikely that this level of media attention would happen to you, lying on your resume is never a smart move.
Employers are understandably wary. Making a new hire, or promoting an existing hire, is a big deal. It costs money and time. And every employee is a reflection back on the company’s image and brand. No company wants the employer/employee relationship to begin with a lie. 

Resume Lies that will likely Keep You from Getting Hired:

Lying about your degree or skills tops the list. 
Employers fear hiring someone who is unable or unsafe to do the job. That is why it is important that at least the basic skills and training you list are truthful.

Lying about where you worked and what title you held is also trouble
Verifying past employments, and the dates and title of those employments, is one of the easiest parts of a background check. 

There are also other types of lies that raise a red flag for employers. Listing incorrect dates to cover an employment gap. Omitting a job completely because you were only there for a short time or left under unfavorable circumstances. Even beefing up your job title to make it sound more important.  

You may think these are simply “little embellishments” or “close to the truth”, but no matter how you look at them, they are still lies.  And employers take notice!

Lying on your resume is seen as a mark against your honesty. 
Employers want to hire someone they can trust. If their first impression of you is one of deception, then your chances of getting hired are slim. In fact, according to a Careerbuilder survey, 51% of employers would automatically reject a candidate that lied.

That is why raising any red flags by lying on your resume makes no sense. So What Should You Do?

The Number One Rule ~ Don’t Lie!
Being as accurate as possible from the beginning is your best protection. Make sure any degree or certifications you list include exact dates earned and institution attended. All past and present employments should have accurate start and end dates and job titles for any position held.

Just as important are truthful depictions of your accomplishments and skills. Use strong action words to describe any projects or teams you worked on. Be sure to list any lessons learned and the results of your actions.

The smartest move you can make is to get your resume “background check ready” before you even apply.  
This means being meticulous about what you list and pre-verifying yourself what any past employers or universities will share about you. 

Learn more about what you need should do in “Tips to Help You Get Your Resume ‘Background Check Ready’!”.

Employers don’t hire liars.  
By the time a background check is ordered, they have already invested time and money in advertising their open position, wading through resumes received, and interviewing any promising candidates.

Finding out that you lied at this point in the hiring process is maddening. And despite the aggravation, most are willing to start over before hiring someone they can’t trust.

Don’t let this happen to you!
Remember, your resume is a reflection of you ~ and often your first introduction to your potential new employer. Make sure that picture is a positive one!

Need help getting Your Resume Background Check Ready? Contact Us!  

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*Source1:  Liar, Liar You Won’t Get Hired, Career Builder Survey

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